my $outputFile; if( $_file_name !~ /^(\s*)$/ ) { #### use constant BUFFER_SIZE => 16_384; # Amount of upload file to read at one time use constant MAX_FILE_SIZE => 3_145_728; # This is the filesize upload limit #### $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 0; # Temporarily reenable uploads $CGI::POST_MAX = MAX_FILE_SIZE; #### # Path and Filename my $file_name = $_file_name; #### my $file_type = $query->uploadInfo($file_name)->{'Content-Type'}; my $basename = basename($file_name); #### if( $file_type =~ /octet-stream/ ) { $errors{ 'file_type' } = ["","","Unrecognize your submitted resume file format."]; goto Print; } #### $outputFile = $UPLOAD_RESUME_DIRECTORY . $basename ; my $buffer = ""; open(OUTPUT,">>$outputFile"); #### my @stats; # Need binmode or Win32 systems will convert end-of-line chars binmode OUTPUT; { no strict 'refs'; READ_FILE: while ( read( $file_name, $buffer, BUFFER_SIZE ) ) { print OUTPUT $buffer; @stats = stat $outputFile; last READ_FILE if ( $stats[7] > MAX_FILE_SIZE ) } } close(OUTPUT); #### #check the file size if ( $stats[7] > MAX_FILE_SIZE || %errors ) { $errors{'file_size'} = ["","","Your submitted file's size is over 3MB."] ; unlink $outputFile;