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Re: Weather Forecast CGI

by mcstayinskool (Acolyte)
on Jun 28, 2002 at 19:42 UTC ( [id://178118]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Weather Forecast CGI

Re: security-- Okay, I now sanitize the data from the input form. My intention in this CGI was to show how cool Geo::WeatherNOAA is, not to distribute a production quality script. But, for those that care, the more secure code sits below.

Re: HTML templates-- yes, I am a big supporter of separating html from code, but not for quick and dirty scripts to demonstrate something. I use HTML::Template and other tools quite frequently, but for this script I do think that it would be overkill.


#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Geo::WeatherNOAA; use CGI qw(param); my $OK_CHARS = "-a-zA-Z0-9_.@'\"\s"; foreach (param()) { # sanitize data input from form if (param($_) =~ /[^$OK_CHARS]/) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<html><head><title>Form Error</title></head><body><b>Warnin +g:</b> One of the characters in your form entry is not allowed by thi +s program. Characters that are allowed are A-Za-z0-9.@-\"'. Please hi +t back on your browser and try again.</body></html>"; exit(0); } } my ($city, $state); if (param("city")) { $city = param("city"); } else { $city = "Minneapolis"; } if (param("state")) { $state = param("state"); } else { $state = "MN"; } print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print <<EOHTML; <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>BenWorld</TITLE> <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="/bk.ico"> </HEAD> <BODY TEXT="#003366" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" ALINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#FF232D" +> <CENTER> <IMG SRC="/images/benwlogo.jpg"><br> <HR> EOHTML print "<h3><font color = red>Weather Forecast for</font> $city, $state +</h3>"; my $html_weather_table = get_weather_data($city,$state); print $html_weather_table; print "<hr><p>\n"; print "<form><table> <tr><td colspan = 2 align = center><b>Get weather for another City/Sta +te</b></td></tr> <td align = right><b>City:</b></td> <td align = left><input type = text name = city></td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td align = right><b>State:</b></td> <td align = left>"; print_state_select_menu(); print "</td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td colspan = 2 align = center><input type = submit value = + \"Get Forecast\"></td></tr>\n"; print "</table></form>\n"; print "</body></html>\n"; exit; sub get_weather_data { my ($city, $state) = @_; my $filename = "weather_cache/${city}_${state}.out"; my ($return, $time, $mtime, $diff); if (-e $filename) { $time = time; $mtime = (stat("weather_cache/$filename"))[9]; $diff = $time - $mtime; } else { $diff = 0; } if ($diff > 3600 || !$diff) { # file older than an hour or doesn't +exist $return = make_noaa_table($city,$state); open(CACHE,">$filename") or warn "couldn't open weather_cache/$ +filename: $!"; print CACHE $return; close(CACHE); return $return; } else { open(CACHE,"<$filename") or warn "couldn't open weather_cache/$ +filename: $!"; { local $/ = "\0"; $return = <CACHE>; } close(CACHE); return $return; } } sub print_state_select_menu { print '<select name="state" > <option value=""> -- select one -- <option value="AL">Alabama <option value="AK">Alaska <option value="AZ">Arizona <option value="AR">Arkansas <option value="CA">California <option value="CO">Colorado <option value="CN">Connecticut <option value="DE">Delaware <option value="FL">Florida <option value="GA">Georgia <option value="HA">Hawaii <option value="ID">Idaho <option value="IL">Illinois <option value="IN">Indiana <option value="IO">Iowa <option value="KA">Kansas <option value="KY">Kentucky <option value="LA">Louisiana <option value="ME">Maine <option value="MD">Maryland <option value="MA">Massachusetts <option value="MI">Michigan <option value="MN">Minnesota <option value="MS">Mississippi <option value="MO">Missouri <option value="MT">Montana <option value="NE">Nebraska <option value="NV">Nevada <option value="NH">New Hampshire <option value="NJ">New Jersey <option value="NM">New Mexico <option value="NY">New York <option value="NC">North Carolina <option value="ND">North Dakota <option value="OH">Ohio <option value="OK">Oklahoma <option value="OR">Oregon <option value="PA">Pennsylvania <option value="RI">Rhode Island <option value="SC">South Carolina <option value="SD">South Dakota <option value="TN">Tenneessee <option value="TX">Texas <option value="UT">Utah <option value="VT">Vermont <option value="VA">Virginia <option value="WA">Washington <option value="WV">West Virginia <option value="WI">Wisconsin <option value="WY">Wyoming </select>'; }

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Re: Weather Forecast CGI
by hacker (Priest) on Apr 17, 2005 at 20:05 UTC

    Two minor things:

    1. You don't support cities with spaces in the name
    2. You've got Connecticut as "CN" instead of "CT"

    As an additional level of optimization, you could just pull the state (and country) data from the page directly, so you always get the ones that are supported there, and then template out the HTML with some brief HTML::Template fu. Easy to do, and makes the code a lot smaller.

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