in reply to Re: Re: Memory Use/Garbage Collection: Java vs Perl
in thread Memory Use/Garbage Collection: Java vs Perl

You make a very good point! My bad on that bit.


I did say <cite>I think...</cite>

What do you expect at a Perl site? Java expertise :8^)...


Being serious for a moment, if Javac is 'doing the right thing' on that line, that just means that it's memory overhead on recursive subroutines must be even worse than I thought. 4,000 -v- 2,000,000 recursions before blowing the stack is a mind-boggling 500 times less efficient in terms of memory/stack management. I guess I was looking for a rational explanation.

Note: I have made no attempt to verify the numbers

Update:I have confirmed that your assertion is true when using javac from jdk1.3.1 as follows

import; class dupme { public dupme(int i) { // 0 0:aload_0 // 1 1:invokespecial #1 <Method void Object()> // 2 4:getstatic #2 <Field PrintStream System.out> // 3 7:new #3 <Class StringBuffer> // 4 10:dup // 5 11:invokespecial #4 <Method void StringBuffer()> // 6 14:ldc1 #5 <String "I am '"> // 7 16:invokevirtual #6 <Method StringBuffer StringBuffe +r.append(String)> // 8 19:iload_1 // 9 20:invokevirtual #7 <Method StringBuffer StringBuffe +r.append(int)> // 10 23:ldc1 #8 <String "'!"> // 11 25:invokevirtual #6 <Method StringBuffer StringBuffe +r.append(String)> // 12 28:invokevirtual #9 <Method String StringBuffer.toSt +ring()> // 13 31:invokevirtual #10 <Method void PrintStream.println +(String)> // 14 34:new #11 <Class dupme> // 15 37:dup // 16 38:iload_1 // 17 39:iconst_1 // 18 40:iadd // 19 41:invokespecial #12 <Method void dupme(int)> // 20 44:astore_2 // 21 45:return } }

Well It's better than the Abottoire, but Yorkshire!