I would like to see a special area of the Monastery where a monk can present a challenge, a place to present and test various strategies and paradigms. Sortof like a Dojo. A hands-on training room.

We could explore timeless questions like, OO, or procedural? I think Perl Monks is the only venue I've seen where this could be handled without a flamewar. We could have some kind of system where a person proposes a challenge in general terms, and then people on both sides can offer some real life scenarios where their techniques excel. Then, both sides can try to implement these things in both, or several, ways, doing Benchmarks as we go, thereby exploring the real advantages and disadvantages involved in each technique. And we can keep a bucket of cold water handy, to dump on anybody carrying a torch.

Other topics could be <BL>

  • XML::Parser, or that Other Way that people are using to get the chatterbox lines?
  • Device drivers in Perl? Why not?! </BL>

    Another nice touch would be have discussion and code sections in the input forms, and run the code input box through Benchmark.

    Paris Sinclair    |    4a75737420416e6f74686572    |    205065726c204861636b6572
    I wear my Geek Code on my finger.