in reply to add to (Personal Nodelet|Scratchpad) links

I really see no problem with the length, but wouldn't mind if they were shortened.

I would mind very much if they were moved to some other place.

I'm on dialup and I hate lugging around my personal nodelet , and I think adding nodes to your nodelet/scratchpad shouldn't require the nodelet (the links sould be there)

I would be perfectly content with the following ;)

<a href="..." title="View printable">v1</a> | <a href="..." title="View as xml">v2</a> | <a href="..." title="Add to Personal Nodelet">+3</a> | <a href="..." title="Add to Scratchpad">+4</a>
v1 | v2 | +3 | +4

update: width=300

Re: add to (Personal Nodelet|Scratchpad) links

by you!!! on Oct 30, 2002 at 02:38 (print, xml, +Personal +Scratchpad )

Re: add to (Personal Nodelet|Scratchpad) links

by you!!! on Oct 30, 2002 at 02:38 (vP, vX, +P +S )

title would have to be added as an approved attribute on the Perl Monks Approved HTML tags

** The Third rule of perl club is a statement of fact: pod is sexy.