peppiv has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Happy Holidays!

I think $slurping too much wine this weekend has dulled my abilities once again.

I'm trying to accept an array (actually multiple arrays but I'm trying to simplify the process first so I can understand it) from a form, properly quote each value and place it into a DB. Here's my feeble attempt:

my @quantity = param('quantity'); my $item_number = param("item_number"); #my @item_number = param("item_number");Not used until I understand ho +w to pass one array in first. my $quantity = $dbh->quote( $quantity ); my $item_number = $dbh->quote( $item_number ); foreach $quantity (@quantity ) { my $sql = qq/ INSERT INTO needed_details (quantity, item_number) VALUES ($quanti +ty, $item_number) /; my $rv = $dbh->do( $sql ); }

When I put two values into the array (e.g. @quantity =2,1), I get four entries into the DB. Two duplicates entries. Please help me understand my mistake. TIA
