Traditionally, object properties in Perl are retrieved and set either through methods or by using the object as the reference it is.

To automate the creation of accessor methods, I don't use a module, but a simple closure creating loop like this one:

BEGIN { no strict 'refs'; for my $property (qw/id debug display_time default_text/) { *$property = sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; croak "Too many arguments for $property method" if @_ > 2; $self->{$property} = $value if @_ == 2; return $self->{$property}; } } }

In #perlhelp (efnet), xmath pointed out that methods can be used as lvalues (with the lvalue attribute). It appears attributes work on anonymous subs. That knowledge combined leads to something like:

BEGIN { no strict 'refs'; for my $property (qw/id debug display_time default_text/) { *$property = sub : lvalue { $_[0]->{$property} }; } }

So that means:
OLD SITUATION NEW SITUATION $foo->bar; $foo->bar; $foo->bar(15); $foo->bar = 15; { my $temp = $foo->bar; $temp =~ s/foo/bar/; $foo->bar($temp); } $foo->bar =~ s/foo/bar/

Before I'm going to change my coding style, I'd like to know what the community thinks of it. The lvalue attribute is experimental.

Note that I know this doesn't check the new values. Neither did my old code - I don't really care :) And no, I don't like using the hash reference for my external API.

So, what do you think?

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- Spam: Visit eurotraQ.