While developing a moderately complex system, I came up with two techniques that can ease the pain of using HTML::Template to build pages. These techniques probably aren't original, but I didn't see them in the POD or in a quick search through the PM archives.

Wrap all calls in Eval

Since HTML::Template likes to report errors to STDERR via die(), you'll find yourself making frequent visits to your error logs. Doing something like the following will direct those errors to your browser.

my $template; eval { $template = new HTML::Template(filename => 'foo.tmpl'); }; print $@ if $@; eval { $template->param(param1 => $somevalue); $template->param(param2 => $someothervalue); }; print $@ if $@; eval { print $template->output(); };
The first eval catches typos in the template. The second eval catches both mismatches in parameter names (e.g., "payrate" vs. "pay_rate"). I forget now what the third eval catches, but it did catch something odd for me once, so I recommend it. Doing this cut my debug cycle in half.

Turning Templates into Error Logs

Instead of (or in addition to) dumping diagnostic information into a separate logfile, it's possible to turn a template into an error log, via the following technique:

In the template, switch between the error log and "normal" by embedding the following:

<TMPL_IF debug> <ul> <TMPL_LOOP debuglog> <li><TMPL_VAR item ESCAPE=HTML> </TMPL_LOOP> </ul> <TMPL_ELSE> ... the non-debug page ... </TMPL_IF>
Use this by doing
my @debuglog = (); if ( ... ) { push @debuglog, {item => "Some message"}; } ... $template->parameter(debug => 0 != @debuglog); $template->parameter(debuglog => \@debuglog);
For convenience you can do something like
sub debuglog { push @debuglog, {item => $_} for ( @_ ); }
so that you can write   debuglog("Some message") if ( ... ); The beauty of this approach is that you get a debug log if there are problems, or a normal page if there aren't. Debug cycles can be wickedly quick.

I adapted this scheme to report "normal" errors, and use it to give users a punch list of things to fix, like "Please provide a valid credit card number".