#!/usr/bin/perl -w open( STDERR, ">>/home/sulfericacid/public_html/test/error.log" ) or die "Cannot open error log, weird...an error opening an error log: $!"; use warnings; use CGI qw/:standard/; use POSIX; my $mode = 0755; print header, start_html('upload form'); print "Please only upload image formats.
"; print start_form( -method => post, -enctype => 'multipart/form-data' ), table( Tr( td("File: "), td( filefield( -name => 'upload', -size => 50, -maxlength => 80 ), ), ), Tr( td(), td( submit( 'button', 'submit' ), ) ) ), end_form(), hr; if ( param() ) { # take form data my $remotefile = param('upload'); # make new variable to prevent overwriting of form data my $filename = $remotefile; # remove all directories in the file name path $filename =~ s/^.*[\\\/]//; # full file path to upload directory (must include filename) my $localfile = "/home/sulfericacid/public_html/upload/files/$filename"; # full url to upload directory (cannot include filename or an end slash /) my $url = "http://sulfericacid.perlmonk.org/upload/file"; my $type = uploadInfo($remotefile)->{'Content-Type'}; unless ( $type eq 'image/gif' ) { die "image files only!"; } # open a new file and transfer bit by bit from what's in the buffer open( SAVED, ">>$localfile" ); # || die $!; while ( $bytesread = read( $remotefile, $buffer, 1024 ) ) { print SAVED $buffer; } close SAVED; chmod $mode, "$localfile"; # or die "can't chmod: $!"; print qq(File was uploaded to http://sulfericacid.perlmonk.org/upload/files/$filename); # required since module was not preinstalled on server use lib "/home/sulfericacid/public_html/lib/"; use Image::Info qw(image_info dim); # assigning info to a filename (better be an image) my $info = image_info("/home/sulfericacid/public_html/upload/files/$filename"); # if for any reason we can't open the file, this error trap should pick it up if ( my $error = $info->{error} ) { die "Can't parse image info: $error\n"; } # unommit next line if you want to use/post the image's color #my $color = $info->{color_type}; # declaring the width and heighth of your image my ( $w, $h ) = dim($info); print "
"; print qq(<p style ="background:url($url/$filename)\;width:$w\;height:$h\;">); }