#! perl -slw use strict; use Win32::GuiTest qw[FindWindowLike GetWindowText SetForegroundWindow SendKeys]; use WIn32::Clipboard; my $clip = Win32::Clipboard->new(); my @windows = FindWindowLike(0, "Internet Explorer\$"); #Find it for (@windows) { SetForegroundWindow($_); # Make it active sleep 2; # Give IE chance to re-draw it's window. # Send the Alt-print screen key sequence to copy the active window to the clipboard SendKeys("%{PRTSCR}"); } if (my $bitmap = $clip->GetBitmap()) { local $\; my $bmpfile = 'snapshot[' . time() . '].bmp'; open my $bmp, '>', $bmpfile or die $!; binmode $bmp; print $bmp $bitmap; close $bmp; print "Bitmap written to $bmpfile\n"; } else { die "Couldn't get bitmap from clipboard"; }