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More Books and Magic

by hsmyers (Canon)
on Jun 04, 2003 at 18:13 UTC ( [id://263090]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Recently, I wrote a short piece on compulsive card cataloging, that I must now admit, contained code that was flawed. Or at least didn't entirely please me. The reason was tied to the Library of Congress and relates to how easy (or not) it is to get data from same. I have since learned that there is a better way. In a recent blog by Jon Udell (see:, I noticed

“It seems that Raymond Yee has been pondering for some time how to write an URL that would address a Library of Congress record. He finally cracked it...”
In short, you can web scrape the LOC! This eliminates the need for use Win32::OLE; and the attending:
$oZ3950 = Win32::OLE->new('VBZOOMC.ZoomFactory'); $oConnection = $oZ3950->CreateZoomConnection( '', 7090 ) or die "CreateZoomConnection failed!\n"; $oConnection->SetOption( 'databaseName', 'Voyager' ); $oConnection->SetOption( 'preferredRecordSyntax', 'USmarc' );
All of which can be replaced by a use LWP::Simple; and a URL along the lines of Lookup 0596001207

After I get some details ironed out, I plan on updating the code I posted previously. In the mean time, for the curious, here is a test script:

#!/perl/bin/perl # # -- ISBN to BibTex via webscraping... use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use LWP::Simple; my %bib = ( author => '?', title => '?', publisher => '?', address => '?', edition => '?', year => '?', ISBN => '?', ); my @list = map {chomp;ean2isbn($_)} <DATA>; for (@list) { my $webpage = get(" +&ESN=F&startrec=1&maxrecords=10&dbname=Voyager&srchtype=1,7,2,3,3,1,4 +,1,5,1,6,1&term_term_1=$_"); scrapeLOC($webpage,\%bib); print "\@book{,\n"; print " author=\{", $bib{'author'}, "\}\n"; print " title=\{", $bib{'title'}, "\}\n"; print " edition=\{", $bib{'edition'}, "\}\n"; print " publisher=\{", $bib{'publisher'}, "\}\n"; print " address=\{", $bib{'address'}, "\}\n"; print " year=\{", $bib{'year'}, "\}\n"; print " ISBN=\{", $bib{'ISBN'}, "\}\n"; print "}\n\n"; } sub parsespan { my ($begin,$end,$s) = @_; $s =~ /$begin((?:(?!$begin).)*)$end/ms; my $span = $1; $span =~ s/\n/ /g; $span =~ s/\s\s+/ /g; return $span; } sub scrapeLOC{ my ( $webpage, $bib ) = @_; for ( keys %$bib ) { $bib->{$_} = '?'; } if ($webpage) { my @list; my %fields; while ($webpage =~ /^(.*?:)/mg) { push(@list,$1); } for (0..@list - 2) { $fields{$list[$_]} = $list[$_ + 1]; } $fields{$list[-1]} = '<\/PRE>'; if (exists($fields{'Author:'})) { $bib->{'author'} = parsespan('Author:',$fields{'Author:'}, +$webpage); } if (exists($fields{'Title:'})) { my $title = parsespan('Title:',$fields{'Title:'},$webpage) +; my @title = split(/\//,$title); for (@title) { $_ = alltrim($_); } $title = $title[0]; my $author = $title[1]; $author =~ s/,/ and/g; $author =~ s/\.$//; $bib->{'title'} = $title; $bib->{'author'} = $author; } if (exists($fields{'Edition:'})) { my $edition = parsespan('Edition:',$fields{'Edition:'},$we +bpage); $edition =~ s/(.*?)\s.*$/$1/; $bib->{'edition'} = $edition if $edition; } if (exists($fields{'ISBN:'})) { my $isbn = parsespan('ISBN:',$fields{'ISBN:'},$webpage); $isbn =~ s/.*?(\d{9}\d|X).*/$1/; $bib->{'ISBN'} = $isbn; } if (exists($fields{'Published:'})) { my $published = parsespan('Published:',$fields{'Published: +'},$webpage); $published =~ /(.*?)\s:\s(.*?),.*?(\d{4}).*$/; $bib->{'publisher'} = $2 if $2; $bib->{'address'} = alltrim($1) if $1; $bib->{'year'} = $3 if $3; } } } sub alltrim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^\s+//; $s =~ s/\s+$//; return $s; } sub ean2isbn { my $isbn = substr( shift, 3, 10 ); return substr($isbn,0,9) . checkDigit($isbn); } sub checkISBN { my $isbn = shift; my $n = length($isbn); if ( $n != 10 ) { return ( 0, ( $n < 10 ? '-' : '+' ) ); } else { my $cd = checkDigit($isbn); return ((($cd eq substr($isbn,-1,1)) ? 1 : 0), $cd); } } sub checkDigit { my @digits = split ( //, uc(shift) ); my $sum = 0; my $m = 10; for ( 0 .. @digits - 2 ) { $sum += $digits[$_] * $m--; } return qw(0 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) [ $sum % 11 ]; } __DATA__ 9780451458711 9780201185379 9780201489460 9780764545696 9780138482763


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