emilford has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Is it possible to have multiple commands preceeding an unless test? I prefer to use the format

[do something] unless ([some case]);

when I am able to, but this time around, I need the [do something] to be multiple statements instead of just one. Is something like this possible:
(print "Program Error!" && exit(0)) unless ([case is true]);
I thought using the double &'s would allow multiple statements to be executed one after the other, but the above code prints nothing.

While I'm at it, I have a short script that replaces a specific line in a file. Is there a better way to do this than what I'll pseudo code below?
# open the file - read # swap the update_info=blah line to update_info=auto my @lines = map {s/^update_info=(?:\w+)/update_info=auto/; $_ } <FILE> +; # close file # open the file - write foreach (@lines) { print TOFILE; } # close file

Title edit by tye