----- site_test.pl ----- #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use Tk; use strict; use Tk::DropSite; use vars qw($kind $STRING $FILE_NAME); BEGIN { $kind = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' or ($^O eq 'cygwin' and $Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32'))? ['Win32'] : ['Sun','XDND','KDE'] } use Tk::DropSite @$kind; use Tk::DragDrop @$kind; use Tk::Menubar; sub enter_leave { my ($ds,$flag) = @_; $ds->configure(-relief => ($flag) ? 'sunken' : 'ridge'); return 1; } my $top = MainWindow->new(); my $mb = $top->Menubar; $mb->Menubutton(-text => '~File', -menuitems => [ [ Button => 'E~xit', -command => [ destroy => $top]], ]); my $but = $top->Frame->pack; my $lb = $top->Scrolled('Listbox',-width => 40)->pack(-side => 'bottom'); $but->Button('-text' => "Primary Targets", '-command' => [\&ShowTargets,$lb,'PRIMARY'])->pack('-side'=>'left'); $but->Button('-text' => "Quit", '-command' => ['destroy',$top])->pack('-side'=>'right'); my $filename = "/tmp/SomethingSilly"; open(FOO,">$filename"); print FOO "Hi There\n"; close(FOO); my $src = $top->Frame->pack; foreach my $k ('Local',@$kind,'Any') { # next if $k eq 'KDE'; my $thing = $src->Message('-text' => "$k Source")->pack(-side => 'left'); my @list; @list = (-sitetypes => $k) unless $k eq 'Any'; $thing->DragDrop(-event => '', @list, -handlers => [ [-type => 'text/plain',[\&string_handler,"This is text/plain"]], [-type => 'FILE_NAME',[\&string_handler,$filename]], [[\&string_handler,"This is STRING"]] ]); } my $dst = $top->Frame->pack; foreach my $k ('Local',@$kind,'Any') { my @list; @list = (-droptypes => $k) unless $k eq 'Any'; my $sun = $dst->Message('-text' => "$k Drops here", '-relief' => 'ridge' )->pack(-side => 'left'); $sun->DropSite(-dropcommand => [\&ShowTargets,$lb], -entercommand => [\&enter_leave,$sun], @list); } my $str = $top->Frame->pack(-fill => 'x'); foreach my $targ (qw(STRING FILE_NAME)) { no strict 'refs'; my $l = $str->Label(-anchor => 'e', -justify => 'right', -text => $targ); my $v = $str->Label(-anchor => 'w', -justify => 'left', -relief => 'groove', -textvariable => \${$targ}); Tk::grid($l,$v,-sticky => 'ew'); } $str->gridColumnconfigure(0,-weight => 0); $str->gridColumnconfigure(1,-weight => 1); sub string_handler { my ($text,$offset,$max) = @_; return substr($text,$offset,$max); } MainLoop; use Data::Dumper; sub ShowTargets { my $lb = shift; my $seln = shift; my $own = $lb->SelectionExists('-selection'=>$seln); printf "owner of $seln is %x\n",$own; my @targ = $lb->SelectionGet('-selection'=>$seln,'TARGETS'); $lb->delete(0,'end'); $lb->insert('end',@targ); $STRING = $FILE_NAME = ''; foreach (@targ) { if (/FILE_NAME/) { $FILE_NAME = $lb->SelectionGet('-selection'=>$seln,'FILE_NAME'); } if (/_SUN/ && !/(END|ACK|DONE|YIELD)/) { my @info; Tk::catch { @info = $lb->SelectionGet('-selection'=>$seln,$_) }; if ($@) { print "Cannot get $_\n"; } else { print "$_:",Dumper(\@info); } } if (m#^(STRING|text/plain)$#) { my $string = $lb->SelectionGet('-selection'=>$seln,$_); $string = substr($string,0,37)."..." if length($string) > 40; $STRING = $string; } } }