# CodeSamples.pm package CodeSamples; our $ctext = <<'CTEXT'; #include int main() { printf("hello world\n"); return 0; } CTEXT our $perltext = <<'PTEXT'; my $query = qq{SELECT mycol, COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE mycol <= 10 GROUP BY mycol}; print $$_,$/ for @{ $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($query) }; # Notice that $query has nested SQL syntax PTEXT 1; #### #!/usr/bin/perl -w # test_vimcolor.pl use strict; use CGI qw/:standard/; use Text::VimColor; use CodeSamples; # contains code samples in C and Perl my $csyntax = Text::VimColor->new( string => $CodeSamples::ctext, filetype => 'c' )or die("can't create C object ($!)\n"); my $perlsyntax = Text::VimColor->new( string => $CodeSamples::perltext, filetype => 'perl' )or die("can't create perl object ($!)\n"); my $fperlsyntax = Text::VimColor->new( file => $0, filetype => 'perl' )or die("can't create perl object ($!)\n"); print start_html(-title=>"Text::VimColor test", -style=>{'src'=>'light.css'} ), h2("C"), pre( $csyntax->html), hr, h2("Perl"), pre( $perlsyntax->html), hr, h2("Perl (file)"), pre( $fperlsyntax->html), hr, h2("CSS"), pre(Text::VimColor->new(file =>'light.css', filetype => 'css')->html), hr, h2("Perl (package)"), pre(Text::VimColor->new(file =>'CodeSamples.pm', filetype => 'perl')->html), hr, h2("Perl (another package)"), pre(Text::VimColor->new(file =>'VimColorCache.pm', filetype => 'perl')->html); #### package VimColorCache; use strict; use warnings; use Text::VimColor; use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/; use DB_File; our $VERSION = '0.1'; sub new { my $class = shift; my $filename = shift || 'VimColorCache.db'; my %code_items; tie %code_items, 'DB_File', $filename or return undef; my $self = bless { code_items => \%code_items }, $class; return $self; } sub _get_text { my $filename = shift; my $text = undef; open IN, $filename or return undef; local $/; $text = ; close IN; return $text; } sub draw { my $self = shift; my $text = shift; # either the code or the file name my $input = shift; # file or string my $syntax_type = shift; # syntax type (perl, c, sql, html, xml, etc) my $output = shift; # output mode return undef unless $output =~ /^(?:html|xml)$/; return undef unless $input =~ /^(?:file|string)$/; my $code = $text; if ($input eq 'file') { $code = _get_text($text) or return undef; } $code =~ s/\t/ /g; # turns tabs into 4 spaces my $signature = md5_hex($code); if (exists $self->{code_items}->{$output.$signature}) { return $self->{code_items}->{$output.$signature} } else { my $syntax = Text::VimColor->new ( $input => $text, filetype => $syntax_type ) or return $code; my $out = $syntax->$output; $self->{code_items}->{$output.$signature} = $out; return $out; } } sub remove { my $self = shift; my $text = shift; # either the code or the file name my $input = shift; # file or string my $output = shift; my $code = $text; if ($input eq 'file') { $code = _get_text($text) or return undef; } my $signature = md5_hex($code); delete $self->{code_items}->{$output.$signature}; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME VimColorCache - caches the result of Text::VimColor =head1 SYNOPSIS use VimColorCache; my $filename = 'syntax.db'; my $vcc = VimColorCache->new($filename); print $vcc->draw('print $_,$/ unless m/^\s*$/g', 'string', 'perl', 'html'); print $vcc->draw('hello.c', 'file', 'c', 'html'; =head1 class methods =over 4 =item new() The constructor accepts an optional filename where to store previously highlighted code snippets. The default file name is VimColorCache.db =item draw() Returns a properly highlighted text. It needs some parameters: - text either a filename or a string containing code to be formatted - input 'file' or 'string' - syntax_type language to use (perl, c, php, xml, SQL) The same as Vim's 'filetype' - output either 'html' or 'xml' If the code passed as string or file has already been processed, then the corresponding formatted text is returned, otherwise a Text::VimColor object is created and the highlighted syntax is processed from scratch. print $vcc->draw('hello.c','file', 'c', 'html'); open IN, "hello.c" or die "can't open\n"; my $c_text = do { local $/; }; close IN; print $vcc->draw($c_text,'string', 'c', 'html'); These two instructions will print the same output. Only, the first one will be slow, the second one will be extremely fast. =item remove() Removes an item from the repository. It needs the same parameters as draw(), except "syntax_type" $vcc->remove('hello.c','file', 'html'); =back =head1 AUTHOR Giuseppe Maxia, a.k.a. gmax (gmax_at_cpan.org) =head1 COPYRIGHT Same as Perl itself. =cut #### #!/usr/bin/perl -w # test_vimcolor_cache.pl use strict; use CGI qw/:standard/; use VimColorCache; use CodeSamples; my $vcc = VimColorCache->new or die("can't create object ($!)\n"); print start_html(-title=>"VimColorcache test", -style=>{'src'=>'light.css'} ), h2("C"), pre( $vcc->draw($CodeSamples::ctext, 'string', 'c', 'html')), hr, h2("Perl"), pre($vcc->draw($CodeSamples::perltext, 'string', 'perl', 'html')), hr, h2("Perl (file)"), pre($vcc->draw($0, 'file', 'perl', 'html')), hr, h2("CSS"), pre($vcc->draw('light.css', 'file', 'css', 'html')), hr, h2("Perl (package)"), pre($vcc->draw('CodeSamples.pm', 'file', 'perl', 'html')), hr, h2("Perl (another package)"), pre($vcc->draw('VimColorCache.pm', 'file', 'perl', 'html'));