in reply to Tk "hello, world", part 2

You could also use -textvariable with your Entry widget.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; my $name; my $main = MainWindow->new(); $main->Label(-text=>"Company Name:")->pack(); my $entry = $main->Entry(-textvariable => \$name)->pack; $entry->focus(); $main->Button(-text=>"Continue", -command=> sub {$main->destroy;})->pa +ck(); $main->Button(-text=>"Cancel", -command => sub {exit})->pack(); $main->bind('<Return>' => sub {$main->destroy}); MainLoop; die "$name";

Oops... I forgot to put in the reason for the first code not working -- the problem is that the "$name = $entry->get();" line is being executed before there is a value in the Entry widget (You can't use the interface before the MainLoop;)

Here is a "fix" for the first example:

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; my $name; my $main = MainWindow->new(); $main->Label(-text=>"Company Name:")->pack(); my $entry = $main->Entry()->pack; $entry->focus(); $main->Button(-text=>"Continue", -command=> sub {$name = $entry->get() +;$main->destroy;})->pack(); $main->Button(-text=>"Cancel", -command => sub {exit})->pack(); $main->bind('<Return>' => sub {$main->destroy}); MainLoop; die "$name";

Update 2
Yeah, what arden said. *Smiles*