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I wrote this as a tribute to my younger brother, who unfortunately passed away when he was only 23.

Yesterday was his birthday; he would have been 39 years old.

Of course I can't be certain, but I suspect he would have liked Perl.  He always had the kind of mind that enjoyed mathematics, puzzles, and games, and I'm quite sure that he would have gotten a kick out of programs like this.

The program is similar in appearance to Latent Japh and Japhy New Year, but uses a completely new trick, which, by its nature, does a better job of "randomizing" the ascii output.  Can you figure out how it works?

Update:  On Windows, the module "Win32::CONSOLE::ANSI" is required.  On Linux, you'll need to run it with "perl <program>", since it doesn't have the shebang line.

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