in reply to Twice the pleasure of sorting a hash

A double comparison should do it e.g
my %h = ( rock => 3, candle => 25, bug => 3, rain => 12, dust => 17, spider => 12, ); for( sort { $h{$b} <=> $h{$a} || $a cmp $b } keys %h ) { print "$_ => $h{$_}\n"; } __output__ candle => 25 dust => 17 rain => 12 spider => 12 bug => 3 rock => 3
So firstly we sort by value in descending order then optionally sort by key value.


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Re: Re: Twice the pleasure of sorting a hash
by coldfingertips (Pilgrim) on Apr 26, 2004 at 09:55 UTC
    That works perfectly, you're the best!! Thanks so much for your help broquaint!!