is a mobile phone friendly (to my phone anyway) interface to the chatterbox. It assumes you have a cookie on the domain. If you don't have that then there is a login form at the bottom which posts directly to Perlmonks so your browser can get the cookie. I haven't done anything to get [http:// ... ] style linking to work but may be inspired to do something about that later.

This displays the last twenty minutes of conversation except for a small bug where sometimes long periods of inactivity allow one or two messages to appear "recent" when they may in fact be really old. Any new messages will kick them off. The short URL is a permanent redirect to if you ever find yourself working with a browser that doesn't handle redirects.

blue_cowdawg asked a related question at Wireless Access to Perl Monks once and this is an answer, slightly but mostly an announcement to all of you.

A late addition: you can view the source code at