sub format_string { my ($str) = @_; return $str if ! $str; my $new_str = ''; for my $chr (split '', $str) { my $ord = ord($chr); if ($ord < 255) { $new_str .= $chr; next; } $new_str .= '&#x' . sprintf("%x", $ord) . ';'; } return $new_str; } #### my $wid = WaitWindow('Notepad', 5); # Paranoia - make sure we are affecting the desired window SetActiveWindow($wid); SetFocus($wid); SetForegroundWindow($wid); # Used to determine where to move the mouse later my ($left, $top, $right, $bottom) = GetWindowRect($wid); # Enable moving the mouse to move the window # I *THINK* this will work SendKeys("%{SPACE}M{DOWN}"); my ($x, $y) = calculate_position_from($left, $top, $right, $bottom); MouseMoveAbsPix($x,$y); SendKeys("{ENTER}"); #### ## Shared the array of select ids my @id :shared; ## Select them while (my $rec = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push @id, $rec->{unique_id} if desired_rec($rec); } ## Set the number of threads--start with 1 per core our $T //= 4; ## break up the array into non-overlapping ranges my( $step, $s, @ranges ) = ( int @id / $T, 0 ); push( @ranges, [ $s, $s + $step -1 ] ), $s += $step for 1 ..$T; $ranges[ -1][1] = scalar @id; my @threads; ## Loop over those ranges for my $range ( @ranges ) { ##starting a new thread for each push @threads, async { ## Create a new handle in each thread my $dbh = DBI->connect( ... ) or die ..; my $del_sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM TBL WHERE unique_id = ?"); ## process the subrange one at a time for( @id[ @$range ] ) { eval { $del_sth->execute($_); }; $logger->write("Failed to remove '$_'") if $@; } ## till done $dbh->disconnect; }; } ## Wait for them $_->join for @threads; #### sub _insert { my ($node, $cmp, $key, $val) = @_; return [RED, $key, $val, undef, undef] if ! $node; # Do foo with $node my $result = $key cmp $node->[KEY]; if ($result == EQUAL) { $node->[VALUE] = $val; } elsif ($result == MORE) { $node->[RIGHT] = _insert($node->[RIGHT], $cmp, $key, $val); } else { $node->[LEFT] = _insert($node->[LEFT], $cmp, $key, $val); } # Do bar with $node # Do blah with $node return $node; } #### sub _insert { my ($node, $cmp, $key, $val) = @_; my ($found, @stack); while ($node) { _colorFlip($node) if _isRed($node->[RIGHT]) && _isRed($node->[LEFT]); push @stack, [$node, undef]; my $result = $cmp->($key, $node->[KEY]); # Dup key, replace value if ($result == EQUAL) { ($found, $node->[VALUE]) = (1, $val); $node = undef; } # Descend right elsif ($result == MORE) { $stack[LAST][DIR] = RIGHT; $node = $node->[RIGHT]; } # Descend right else { $stack[LAST][DIR] = LEFT; $node = $node->[LEFT]; } } push @stack, [[RED, $key, $val, undef, undef], undef] if ! $found; my $assign; while (@stack) { my $unwind = pop @stack; my ($item, $dir) = @{$unwind}[NODE, DIR]; if ($assign || $found) { $item->[$dir] = $assign->[NODE] if $assign; $item = _rotateLeft($item) if _isRed($item->[RIGHT]) && ! _isRed($item->[LEFT]); $item = _rotateRight($item) if _isRed($item->[LEFT]) && _isRed($item->[LEFT][LEFT]); } $assign = [$item, undef]; } return $assign->[NODE]; } #### package Tree::Binary::RedBlack; require Exporter; @ISA = 'Exporter'; @EXPORT = qw/ deleteKey deleteMax deleteMin insert key_exists lookup max min new_rb node_count /; our $VERSION = '0.01'; # Tree definition use constant ROOT => 0; use constant COUNT => 1; use constant COMPARE => 2; # Node definition use constant COLOR => 0; use constant KEY => 1; use constant VALUE => 2; use constant RIGHT => 3; use constant LEFT => 4; # Color definition use constant BLACK => 0; use constant RED => 1; # Comparison definition use constant LESS => -1; use constant EQUAL => 0; use constant MORE => 1; # Truth definition use constant TRUE => 1; use constant FALSE => undef; # Stack definition use constant LAST => -1; use constant NODE => 0; use constant DIR => 1; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use UNIVERSAL 'isa'; # Public sub new_rb { croak "Incorrect number of parameters" if @_ % 2; my %opt = @_; my $cmp = delete $opt{compare} || 'cmp'; if (isa($cmp, 'CODE')) { *_insert = *_insert_custom; } elsif($cmp eq 'cmp') { #*_insert = *_insert_ascii; *_insert = *_insert_cmp; } else { croak "The '$cmp' comparison is not supported"; } carp "The '$_' parameter is not supported\n" for keys %opt; return [undef, 0, $cmp]; } # Public sub insert { my ($tree, $key, $val) = @_; $tree->[ROOT] = _insert($tree->[ROOT], $tree->[COMPARE], $key, $val); $tree->[COUNT]++; $tree->[ROOT][COLOR] = BLACK; } # Private sub _insert_custom { my ($node, $cmp, $key, $val) = @_; return [RED, $key, $val, undef, undef] if ! $node; if ($node->[RIGHT] && $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] && $node->[LEFT] && $node->[LEFT][COLOR]) { $node->[COLOR] = ! $node->[COLOR] || BLACK; $node->[LEFT][COLOR] = ! $node->[LEFT][COLOR] || BLACK; $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] = ! $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] || BLACK; } my $result = $cmp->($key, $node->[KEY]); if ($result == EQUAL) { $node->[VALUE] = $val; } elsif ($result == MORE) { $node->[RIGHT] = _insert($node->[RIGHT], $cmp, $key, $val); } else { $node->[LEFT] = _insert($node->[LEFT], $cmp, $key, $val); } if ($node->[RIGHT] && $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] && ! ($node->[LEFT] && $node->[LEFT][COLOR])) { my $temp = $node->[RIGHT]; $node->[RIGHT] = $temp->[LEFT]; $temp->[LEFT] = $node; $temp->[COLOR] = $node->[COLOR]; $node->[COLOR] = RED; $node = $temp; } if ($node->[LEFT] && $node->[LEFT][COLOR] && $node->[LEFT][LEFT] && $node->[LEFT][LEFT][COLOR]) { my $temp = $node->[LEFT]; $node->[LEFT] = $temp->[RIGHT]; $temp->[RIGHT] = $node; $temp->[COLOR] = $node->[COLOR]; $node->[COLOR] = RED; $node = $temp; } return $node; } sub _insert_cmp { my ($node, $cmp, $key, $val) = @_; return [RED, $key, $val, undef, undef] if ! $node; if ($node->[RIGHT] && $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] && $node->[LEFT] && $node->[LEFT][COLOR]) { $node->[COLOR] = ! $node->[COLOR] || BLACK; $node->[LEFT][COLOR] = ! $node->[LEFT][COLOR] || BLACK; $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] = ! $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] || BLACK; } my $result = $key cmp $node->[KEY]; if ($result == EQUAL) { $node->[VALUE] = $val; } elsif ($result == MORE) { $node->[RIGHT] = _insert($node->[RIGHT], $cmp, $key, $val); } else { $node->[LEFT] = _insert($node->[LEFT], $cmp, $key, $val); } if ($node->[RIGHT] && $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] && ! ($node->[LEFT] && $node->[LEFT][COLOR])) { my $temp = $node->[RIGHT]; $node->[RIGHT] = $temp->[LEFT]; $temp->[LEFT] = $node; $temp->[COLOR] = $node->[COLOR]; $node->[COLOR] = RED; $node = $temp; } if ($node->[LEFT] && $node->[LEFT][COLOR] && $node->[LEFT][LEFT] && $node->[LEFT][LEFT][COLOR]) { my $temp = $node->[LEFT]; $node->[LEFT] = $temp->[RIGHT]; $temp->[RIGHT] = $node; $temp->[COLOR] = $node->[COLOR]; $node->[COLOR] = RED; $node = $temp; } return $node; } sub _insert_ascii { my ($node, $cmp, $key, $val) = @_; my ($found, @stack); while ($node) { if ($node->[RIGHT] && $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] && $node->[LEFT] && $node->[LEFT][COLOR]) { $node->[COLOR] = ! $node->[COLOR] || BLACK; $node->[LEFT][COLOR] = ! $node->[LEFT][COLOR] || BLACK; $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] = ! $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] || BLACK; } my $result = $key cmp $node->[KEY]; # Descend right if ($result == LESS) { push @stack, [$node, LEFT]; $node = $node->[LEFT]; } # Descend right elsif ($result == MORE) { push @stack, [$node, RIGHT]; $node = $node->[RIGHT]; } # Dup key, replace value else { push @stack, [$node]; ($found, $node->[VALUE]) = (1, $val); $node = undef; } } push @stack, [[RED, $key, $val, undef, undef]] if ! $found; my $idx = @stack; my $assign; while ($idx--) { my ($item, $dir) = @{$stack[$idx]}[NODE, DIR]; if ($assign || $found) { $item->[$dir] = $assign->[NODE] if $assign; if ($item->[RIGHT] && $item->[RIGHT][COLOR] && ! ($item->[LEFT] && $item->[LEFT][COLOR])) { my $temp = $item->[RIGHT]; $item->[RIGHT] = $temp->[LEFT]; $temp->[LEFT] = $item; $temp->[COLOR] = $item->[COLOR]; $item->[COLOR] = RED; $item = $temp; } if ($node->[LEFT] && $node->[LEFT][COLOR] && $node->[LEFT][LEFT] && $node->[LEFT][LEFT][COLOR]) { my $temp = $node->[LEFT]; $node->[LEFT] = $temp->[RIGHT]; $temp->[RIGHT] = $node; $temp->[COLOR] = $node->[COLOR]; $node->[COLOR] = RED; $node = $temp; } } $assign = [$item]; } return $assign->[NODE]; } sub lookup { my ($tree, $key) = @_; return FALSE if ! defined $key; my ($root, $cmp) = ($tree->[ROOT], $tree->[COMPARE]); while ($root) { my $result = $cmp->($key, $root->[KEY]); return $root->[VALUE] if $result == EQUAL; $root = $result == LESS ? $root->[LEFT] : $root->[RIGHT]; } return FALSE; } sub key_exists { my ($tree, $key) = @_; return FALSE if ! defined $key; my ($root, $cmp) = ($tree->[ROOT], $tree->[COMPARE]); while ($root) { my $result = $cmp->($key, $root->[KEY]); return TRUE if $result == EQUAL; $root = $result == LESS ? $root->[LEFT] : $root->[RIGHT]; } return FALSE; } sub node_count { my ($tree) = @_; return $tree->[COUNT]; } sub deleteMin { my ($tree) = @_; $tree->[ROOT] = _deleteMin($tree->[ROOT]); $tree->[COUNT]-- if $tree->[COUNT]; $tree->[ROOT][COLOR] = BLACK; } sub deleteKey { my ($tree, $key) = @_; $tree->[ROOT] = _deleteKey($tree->[ROOT], $tree->[COMPARE], $key); $tree->[COUNT]-- if $tree->[COUNT]; $tree->[ROOT][COLOR] = BLACK; } sub max { my ($tree, $key) = @_; return FALSE if ! $tree->[ROOT]; return _max($tree->[ROOT]); } sub min { my ($tree, $key) = @_; return FALSE if ! $tree->[ROOT]; return _min($tree->[ROOT]); } sub deleteMax { my ($tree) = @_; $tree->[ROOT] = _deleteMax($tree->[ROOT]); $tree->[COUNT]-- if $tree->[COUNT]; $tree->[ROOT][COLOR] = BLACK; } # Private sub _deleteMax { my ($node) = @_; $node = _rotateRight($node) if _isRed($node->[LEFT]); return FALSE if ! $node->[RIGHT]; $node = _moveRedRight($node) if ! _isRed($node->[RIGHT]) && ! _isRed($node->[RIGHT][LEFT]); $node->[RIGHT] = _deleteMax($node->[RIGHT]); return _fixUp($node); } sub _deleteKey { my ($node, $cmp, $key) = @_; if ($cmp->($key, $node->[KEY]) == LESS) { $node = _moveRedLeft($node) if ! _isRed($node->[LEFT]) && ! _isRed($node->[LEFT][LEFT]); $node->[LEFT] = _deleteKey($node->[LEFT], $cmp, $key); } else { $node = _rotateRight($node) if _isRed($node->[LEFT]); return FALSE if $cmp->($key, $node->[KEY]) == EQUAL && ! $node->[RIGHT]; $node = _moveRedRight($node) if ! _isRed($node->[RIGHT]) && ! _isRed($node->[RIGHT][LEFT]); if ($cmp->($key, $node->[KEY]) == EQUAL) { # Opportunity to return key/val together $node->[VALUE] = _get($node->[RIGHT], $cmp, _min($node->[RIGHT])); $node->[KEY] = _min($node->[RIGHT]); $node->[RIGHT] = _deleteMin($node->[RIGHT]); } else { $node->[RIGHT] = _deleteKey($node->[RIGHT], $key); } } return _fixUp($node); } sub _get { my ($node, $cmp, $key) = @_; return FALSE if ! $node; my $result = $cmp->($key, $node->[KEY]); return $node->[VALUE] if $result == EQUAL; return _get($node->[LEFT], $cmp, $key) if $result == LESS; return _get($node->[RIGHT], $cmp, $key); } sub _min { my ($node) = @_; return $node->[KEY] if ! $node->[LEFT]; return _min($node->[LEFT]); } sub _max { my ($node) = @_; return $node->[KEY] if ! $node->[RIGHT]; return _max($node->[RIGHT]); } sub _deleteMin { my ($node) = @_; return FALSE if ! $node->[LEFT]; $node = _moveRedLeft($node) if ! _isRed($node->[LEFT]) && ! _isRed($node->[LEFT][LEFT]); $node->[LEFT] = _deleteMin($node->[LEFT]); return _fixUp($node); } sub _moveRedLeft { my ($node) = @_; _colorFlip($node); if (_isRed($node->[RIGHT][LEFT])) { $node->[RIGHT] = _rotateRight($node->[RIGHT]); $node = _rotateLeft($node); _colorFlip($node); } return $node; } sub _moveRedRight { my ($node) = @_; _colorFlip($node); if (_isRed($node->[LEFT][LEFT])) { $node = _rotateRight($node); _colorFlip($node); } return $node; } sub _rotateLeft { my ($node) = @_; my $temp = $node->[RIGHT]; $node->[RIGHT] = $temp->[LEFT]; $temp->[LEFT] = $node; $temp->[COLOR] = $node->[COLOR]; $node->[COLOR] = RED; return $temp; } sub _rotateRight { my ($node) = @_; my $temp = $node->[LEFT]; $node->[LEFT] = $temp->[RIGHT]; $temp->[RIGHT] = $node; $temp->[COLOR] = $node->[COLOR]; $node->[COLOR] = RED; return $temp; } sub _isRed { my ($node) = @_; return FALSE if ! $node; return $node->[COLOR] == RED; } sub _colorFlip { my ($node) = @_; $node->[COLOR] = ! $node->[COLOR] || BLACK; $node->[LEFT][COLOR] = ! $node->[LEFT][COLOR] || BLACK; $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] = ! $node->[RIGHT][COLOR] || BLACK; } sub _fixUp { my ($node) = @_; $node = _rotateLeft($node) if _isRed($node->[RIGHT]); $node = _rotateRight($node) if _isRed($node->[LEFT]) && _isRed($node->[LEFT][LEFT]); _colorFlip($node) if _isRed($node->[LEFT]) && _isRed($node->[RIGHT]); return $node; } 'This statement is false.'; __END__ OPTIMIZATIONS 1. Inline some subs 2. Turn recursion into a stack 3. Allow predefined comparison subs and then *foo = in order to not pay penalty - ascii, numerical, coderef sub {$_[0] cmp $_[1]} 4. Add get_min_kv and get_max_kv (see _deleteKey) 5. Turn the things that make sense from recursion to iteration (but frustratingly, not insert) 6. Consider XS 7. As a configurable option, allow not storing values to reduce memory FEATURES 1. Add val_defined 2. Iterator for going over the tree GENERAL 1. Consistency in sub names REFERENCE 1. 2. 3. #### UPDATE table t SET race_id = ( SELECT pkey_id FROM race r, (SELECT * from race where pkey_id = t.race_id) x WHERE r.track_id = 41 AND r.raceday = x.race_day AND r.race = x.race ) WHERE race_id in (select pkey_id from race where track_id = 37) #### table event pkey_id = serial event_id = integer event_date = date(YYYY-MM-DD) event_num = integer UPDATE event e SET event_id = 41 WHERE event_id = 37 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM event WHERE event_id = 41 AND event_date = e.event_date AND event_num = e.event_num ) #### print solve( holes => 33, empty => 17, towin => 17, valid => [ [1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 9], [2, 5, 10], [3, 6, 11], [4, 5, 6], [4, 9, 16], [5, 10, 17], [6, 11, 18], [7, 8, 9], [7, 14, 21], [8, 9, 10], [8, 15, 22], [9, 10, 11], [9, 16, 23], [10, 11, 12], [10, 17, 24], [11, 12, 13], [11, 18, 25], [12, 19, 26], [13, 20, 27], [14, 15, 16], [15, 16, 17], [16, 17, 18], [16, 23, 28], [17, 18, 19], [17, 24, 29], [18, 19, 20], [18, 25, 30], [21, 22, 23], [22, 23, 24], [23, 24, 25], [23, 28, 21], [24, 25, 26], [24, 29, 32], [25, 26, 27], [25, 30, 33], [28, 29, 30], [31, 32, 33], ], ); #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; for my $base (3 .. 9) { print "\tBASE $base\n"; my $next = count_base($base); my $n = 0; while (my @dig = $next->()) { my $num = join '', @dig; if (restricted(@dig)) { print "$n\n" if $n; $n = 0; #print "\t$num\n"; } else { ++$n; #print "$num\n"; } } print "\n\n"; } sub restricted { my @dig = @_; my $i = 0; while (! $dig[$i]) { shift @dig; } for (1 .. $#dig) { return 0 if $dig[$_] <= $dig[$_ - 1]; } return 1; } sub count_base { my $base = shift @_; my @dig = (0) x $base; my @end = 0 .. $base - 1; return sub { return () if "@dig" eq "@end"; my $pos = @dig; while ($pos--) { if (++$dig[$pos] < $base) { @dig[$pos + 1 .. $#dig] = (0) x ($#dig - $pos); return @dig; } } }; } #### #! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Quantum::Superpositions; my @array_1 = (1 .. 4); my @array_2 = qw{1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 7 6 5}; my @array_3 = eigenstates( any(@array_2) != all(@array_1) ); my @array_4 = Quantum::Superpositions::eigenstates( any(@array_2) != all(@array_1) ); print "Ordered:\n"; print "$_\n" for @array_3; print "Hash:\n"; print "$_\n" for @array_4; { no warnings 'redefine'; *eigenstates = *main::eigenstates; sub eigenstates ($) { my @uniq; my %seen; for ( Quantum::Superpositions::collapse( $_[0] ) ) { push @uniq , $_ if ! $seen{$_}; $seen{$_}++; } return @uniq; } } #### package Some::Object; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; our $VERSION = '0.01'; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; croak "Incorrect number of parameters" if @_ % 2; $self->_init(@_); return $self; } sub _init { my $self = shift; my %default = ( foo => 'bar', blah => 'asdf', ); my %user = @_; for ( keys %user ) { delete $user{$_} if ! exists $default{$_}; } for ( keys %default ) { $user{$_} = $default{$_} if ! exists $user{$_}; } $self->{OPT} = \%user; } #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Parallel::ForkManager; use constant MAX_PROCS => 1; use constant MAX_TIME => 10; my ($pid, $ident, $start); my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager( MAX_PROCS ); @SIG{ qw(ABRT STOP TERM INT) } = (sub { kill 9, $pid; exit }) x 4; $pm->run_on_start ( sub { ($pid, $ident)= @_; $start = time; print "$ident started at ", scalar localtime($start), " with pid: $pid\n"; } ); $pm->run_on_wait ( sub { if ( time - $start > MAX_TIME ) { print "Killing $pid - taking too long to run\n"; kill 9, $pid; } }, 1 ); $pm->run_on_finish ( sub { ($pid, my $exit_code, $ident) = @_; print "$ident ($pid) just completed with : $exit_code\n"; } ); while ( 1 ) { $pid = $pm->start( 'health check' ) and next; # We are in child process for ( 1 .. rand 15 ) { print "I am the child doing work\n"; sleep 1; } $pm->finish; # We are in parent process }