+-+-+-+-+ |?| | | | first step: place a photo in the "?" cell +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | available photos: 2x2, 3x1, 1x1, 1x2, 2x1, 1x2, 1x1 +-+-+-+-+ *** | | | | | +-+-+-+-+ first photo that fits is the 2x2 +---+-+-+ |///|?| | next step: place a photo in the "?" cell |///+-+-+ |///| | | available photos: 3x1, 1x1, 1x2, 2x1, 1x2, 1x1 +-+-+-+-+ *** | | | | | +-+-+-+-+ first photo that fits is the 1x1 +---+-+-+ |///|/|?| next step: place a photo in the "?" cell |///+-+-+ |///| | | available photos: 3x1, 1x2, 2x1, 1x2, 1x1 +-+-+-+-+ *** | | | | | +-+-+-+-+ first photo that fits is the 1x2 +---+-+-+ |///|/|/| next step: place a photo in the "?" cell |///+-+/| |///|?|/| available photos: 3x1, 2x1, 1x2, 1x1 +-+-+-+-+ *** | | | | | +-+-+-+-+ first photo that fits is the 1x2 +---+-+-+ |///|/|/| next step: place a photo in the "?" cell |///+-+/| |///|/|/| available photos: 3x1, 2x1, 1x1 +-+-+/+-+ *** |?| |/| | +-+-+-+-+ first photo that fits is the 2x1 +---+-+-+ |///|/|/| next step: place a photo in the "?" cell |///+-+/| |///|/|/| available photos: 3x1, 1x1 +---+/+-+ *** |///|/|?| +---+-+-+ first photo that fits is the 1x1 #### +---+-+-+ |///|/|/| |///|/|/| |///|/|/| +---+-+-+ |///|/|/| +---+-+-+ #### { my %seen; my %onstack; my @list; sub how_to_uninstall { my $target = shift; (@list, %seen, %onstack) = (); _traverse($target); return @list; } sub _traverse { my $x = shift; $seen{$x} = $onstack{$x} = 1; foreach package $y that depends on $x { die "cyclic!" if $onstack{$y}; # back edge _traverse($y) unless $seen{$y}; } push @list, $x; $onstack{$x} = 0; } } ####
PM Markup:Result:
paragraphs / line breaks
<p>first paragraph</p>
<p>second paragraph</p>

first paragraph

second paragraph

link to nodes by name
Have you tried [Super Search]?
Have you tried [Super Search]?
Thanks for your help, [tye]
Thanks for your help, [tye]
Thanks for nothing, [tye|wiseguy]
Thanks for nothing, [tye|wiseguy]
link to nodes by ID
Please consult [id://3989]
Please consult [id://3989]
other kinds of links

([id://43037|more info])

Check out [pad://NodeReaper]
Check out [pad://NodeReaper]
Did you try [http://google.com|this]?
Did you try [http://google.com|this]?
Did you check [doc://perlfaq]?
Did you check [doc://perlfaq]?
including code in text
The result is in <c>$array[0]</c>
The result is in $array[0]
The code should read:
use strict;
use warnings;

my @array = ("Hello world\n");
if (@ARGV) {
    print $array[0];
The code should read: use strict; use warnings; my @array = ("Hello world\n"); if (@ARGV) { print $array[0]; }
text/font formatting
This will be <b>bold</b>
This will be bold
This will be <i>italic</i>
This will be italic
This will be <tt>fixed width</tt>
This will be fixed width
quoting / indenting
A wise monk once said:
"Indenting is good"
.. and I agree
A wise monk once said:
"Indenting is good"
.. and I agree
My favorite flavors are:
My favorite flavors are:
  • vanilla
  • chocolate
How to make toast:
<li>insert bread</li>
<li>press button</li>
How to make toast:
  1. insert bread
  2. press button
## # input: # - env = mapping of variable names to types # - expr = an expression (AST) # # output: # - type = a type "judgment" # - constraints = a list of type constraints that must be satisfied def infer_type( env, expr ): case expr: ## wow, a literal integer has type IntType! LiteralIntExpr( thenumber ): return ( IntType, {} ); # no constraints ## similar rules for other kinds of literals ... ## here's an interesting one: ## empty lists are polymorphic EmptyListExpr(): return( ListExpr( fresh PolymorphicType ), {} ); # no constriants ## fresh PolymorphicType means make a new PolymorphicType with ## a never-before-used identifying number/letter ## list expression: [item1, ... itemn] ## - infer the type of each item ## - pass along constraints from the subexpressions ## - add constraints that all items have the same type ListExpr( item1, ... itemn ): (type1, constr1) = infer_type( env, item1 ); ... (typen, constrn) = infer_type( env, itemn ); ## union of these lists of constraints return ( ListType(type1), constr1 + ... + constrn + "type1==type2" + ... + "type1==typen" ); ## someone names a variable? if it doesn't have a type ## in our environment, we are hosed! otherwise, the ## environment contains a type mapping for the variable VariableExpression( varname ): croak if not exists env{varname}; return ( env{varname}, {} ) # no constraints ## for addition expression: ## - return IntType ## - constrain both args to be IntType ## - pass along constraints from subexpressions AdditionExpression( subexpr1, subexpr2 ): (type1, constr1) = infer_type( env, subexpr1 ); (type2, constr2) = infer_type( env, subexpr2 ); ## union of these lists of constraints return (IntType, constr1 + constr2 + "type1==IntType" + "type2==IntType"); ## for concatenation: ## - same as above, but with StrType ConcatExpression( subexpr1, subexpr2 ): (type1, constr1) = infer_type( env, subexpr1 ); (type2, constr2) = infer_type( env, subexpr2 ); ## union of these lists of constraints return ( StrType, constr1 + constr2 + "type1==StrType" + "type2==StrType" ); ## list cons expression: i.e,: head::tail ## - return the same type as the tail ## - ensure that the head has the same type as ## tail's elements ListConsExpression( head, tail ): (type1, constr1) = infer_type( env, head ); (type2, constr2) = infer_type( env, tail ); return ( type2, constr1 + constr2 + "type2==ListType(type1)" ); ## fun var -> body ## - assign var a fresh type ## - infer the type of the body in a modified environment ## - return an appropriate function type FuncDefExpression( var, body ): vartype = fresh PolymorphicType; (bodytype, bodyconstr) = infer_type( env + "var:vartype", body ); return (FuncType(vartype,bodytype), bodyconstr); ## func(arg): ## - constrain that the argument's type is appropriate ## - this expression's type is the return value type of func ## - easiest to do this by introducing a new polymorphic type FuncAppExpression( func, arg ): (type1, constr1) = infer_type( env, head ); (type2, constr2) = infer_type( env, tail ); resulttype = fresh PolymorphicType; return ( resulttype, constr1 + constr2 + "type1==FuncType(type2,resulttype)" ); #### # unify a list of constraints: # - input = list of constraints of the form "lhs==rhs" # - output = list of constraints # a unification is an assignment of values to variable that satisfies # the constraints in the most general way. in our case, variables # are the PolymorphicType guys, and values are any Types def unify( constraints ): return [] if constraints is an empty list; (lhs,rhs) = shift constraints; ## if they are already equal, do nothing if lhs = rhs then return unify(constraints); ## orient "variables" on the lhs if lhs is not a PolymorphicType, but rhs is, then (lhs,rhs) = (rhs,lhs); if lhs = PolymorphicType(id) then if PolymorphicType(id) occurs anywhere within constraints, then croak "you're asking for a recursive type!" constraints = map { replace each PolymorphicType(id) with rhs } constraints; ## output this assignment as part of the solution! return "id:rhs" + unify(constraints); ## for 2 FuncTypes to be equal, their components must be equal, ## so add new constraints if lhs = FuncType(l1,l2) and rhs = FuncType(r1,r2) then return unify(constraints + "l1==r1" + "l2==r2"); if lhs = ListType(l1) and rhs = ListType(r1) then return unify(constraints + "l1==r1"); ## we get here if you try to constrain a ListType to equal a ## FuncType, or other such impossible feats else croak "unification impossible!"; #### ## two containers that have the same value my $x = 1; my $y = 1; $x = 5; ## change the value in one container ... print $y; ## the other container is unaffected #### my $x = 1; my $y = \$x; ## $y is a reference to $x $x = 5; print $$y; #### my $x = 0; sub { $_[0] = 5 }->($x); print "$x\n"; #### my $x = 0; my $y = sub { $_[0] }->($x); ## my $y = .. assignment operator $y = 5; print "$x\n"; ## still 0 #### my $x = 0; my $arr = sub { \@_ }->($x); $arr->[0] = 5; print "$x\n"; # 5 #### my $arr = do { my $x; sub { \@_ }->($x, $x); }; $arr->[0] = 0; print "@$arr\n"; ## 0 0 $arr->[0] = 5; print "@$arr\n"; ## 5 5 #### my $x = 0; map { $_ = 5 } $x; print "$x\n"; my $x = 0; grep { $_ = 5 } $x; print "$x\n"; #### my $x = 0; foreach my $y ($x) { $y = 5 } print "$x\n"; #### my $x = 0; *y = \$x; $y = 5; print "$x\n"; #### my @x = qw(1 2 3 4); *y = \@x; splice @y, 2, 1, "hi"; print "@x\n"; #### use Lexical::Alias; my ($x, $y); alias $x, $y; $y = 5; print "$x\n"; #### my $x = 0; sub weird { --$_[0]; \@_ } for my $y (++$x) { my ($z) = map { weird($_ = 10) } $y; $z->[0] =~ s/9/hello world!/; } print "$x\n"; #### x + (x+b) + ... + (x+(n-1)b) = k nx + b(1 + 2 + .. + (n-1)) = k nx + b(n(n-1)/2) = k #### bn^2 + (2x-b)n - 2k = 0 #### my $p = UnorderedSetPartition->new( items => ['a'..'f'], blocks => [2,2,1,1], ## arrayref list of blocks, num of blocks, or omitted=unrestricted ); my $p = OrderedSetPartition->new( items => ['a'..'f'], blocks => [2,2,1,1], ## arrayref list of blocks, num of blocks, or omitted=unrestricted ); ## or perhaps: ## SetPartition->new( ... ordered => 0 ... ); my $iter = $p->iterator( order => "lex", ## "lex", "colex", "gray", "fastest", etc... representation => "rg", ## "rg", "AoA", etc.. ); @output = $iter->next; $iter->skip($n); $iter->prev; # ?? $iter->reset; ## to the beginning $iter->reset( $some_saved_rank_or_widget ); #### @output = $p->list( order => "lex", representation => "rg" ); ## same as iterator, but returns list of *all* widgets ## maybe allow for a callback #### $r = $p->rank( order => "lex", representation => "rg", $widget ); $widget = $p->rank( order => "lex", representation => "rg", $r ); ## code repetition here? $how_many_partitions = $p->count; #### sub binomial { my ($n, $k) = @_; my $c = 1; for (0 .. $k-1) { $c *= $n-$_; $c /= $_+1; } $c; } #### use Memoize; memoize 'int_partitions'; ## number of integer partitions of $N with smallest part $min sub int_partitions { my ($N, $min) = @_; $min = 1 if not defined $min; ## only one way to split up 0 return 1 if $N == 0; ## the smallest item in the partition can be between $min .. $N ## and after we fix it, we need to partition the remaining ## $N-$_, into pieces that must all be >= $_ my $total = 0; for ($min .. $N) { $total += int_partitions($N-$_, $_); } return $total; } print int_partitions(shift), $/; #### use Memoize; memoize 'restricted_partitions'; sub restricted_partitions { my ($N, @coins) = @_; ## can't do it if $N is negative (might get called with $N<0 if ## we have coins bigger than $N) ## only one way to make change for 0 return 0 if $N < 0; return 1 if $N == 0; ## pick any available coin to be the coin with the lowest ID in this ## partition. once we pick that, we have left to partition $N-$coin, ## and can't use coins with lower IDs to do it... my $total = 0; for (0 .. $#coins) { $total += restricted_partitions($N-$coins[$_], @coins[$_ .. $#coins]); } return $total; } print restricted_partitions(@ARGV), $/; #### --- mysqlPP.pm.orig 2005-02-16 23:40:15.000000000 -0600 +++ mysqlPP.pm 2005-02-16 23:41:17.000000000 -0600 @@ -347,10 +347,10 @@ # ... } my $statement = $sth->{Statement}; - for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_param; $i++) { + { my $dbh = $sth->{Database}; - my $quoted_param = $dbh->quote($params->[$i]); - $statement =~ s/\?/$quoted_param/e; + my $i = 0; + $statement =~ s/\?/$dbh->quote($params->[$i++])/ge; } my $mysql = $sth->FETCH('mysqlpp_handle'); my $result = eval { #### $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from foo where id=?"); $sth->execute( param("id") ); ## execute failed: called with 0 bind variables when 1 are needed #### # use CGI 'param'; ## not anymore! use CGI; sub param { scalar CGI::param(@_) } #### "Robert "Bob" Smith","42","FooBar" #### use Text::xSV; sub filter { local $_ = shift; chomp; s/(?<=[^,])\"(?=[^,])/\"\"/g; "$_\n"; } my $csv = Text::xSV->new( filename => "...", filter => \&filter ); #### --- xSV-old.pm 2004-05-26 20:13:12.000000000 -0500 +++ xSV.pm 2004-05-26 20:32:48.000000000 -0500 @@ -172,17 +172,18 @@ } my $sep = $self->{sep}; + my $quote = $self->{always_quote}; my @row; foreach my $value (@_) { if (not defined($value)) { # Empty fields are undef - push @row, ""; + push @row, $quote ? qq("") : ""; } elsif ("" eq $value) { # The empty string has to be quoted. push @row, qq(""); } - elsif ($value =~ /\s|\Q$sep\E|"/) { + elsif ($value =~ /\s|\Q$sep\E|"/ or $quote) { # quote it local $_ = $value; s/"/""/g; @@ -321,7 +322,7 @@ my @normal_accessors = qw( close_fh error_handler warning_handler filename filter fh - row_size row_size_warning + row_size row_size_warning always_quote ); foreach my $accessor (@normal_accessors) { no strict 'refs';