in reply to CGI Test Framework?

That is pretty darned close to what I asked for! Thanks!

WWW::Mechanize is the exact mid-level glue I need to develop complete code coverage. What it lacks as a test platform is a consistent way to represent the inputs in external files, and a consistent way to evaluate the return values of a form POST. I'm leaning toward developing these features to work with the module.

Hmm, WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller looks like it handles the input side rather well.

I know I'm not going to escape all the drudgery in developing my tests. But I have an extreme case of Laziness, and I'd like to duck as much of the drudge as I can. Also I'd like to build on others' work in case I come up with something useful enough to share. That way I don't have to maintain the whole pile myself. (More Laziness. At least I'm consistent. 8)

"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." - Will Rogers