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Dynamic function chains?

by keymon (Beadle)
on Sep 15, 2004 at 12:21 UTC ( [id://391141]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

keymon has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Monks, I am writing a script that will perform a (specified on the command line) set of one or more operations on an input stream of rows of numbers (except the first column, which is the row ID). For example: if the input is
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2
2 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1
3 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2
and the operation is "power" (2^x), then the output would be:
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4
2 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 2
3 4 8 16 32 64 1 2 4
Operations can be "power", "log2", "loge", "log10", "round", etc. They can be specified multiple times too.
I would like to dynamically build a subroutine that called the specified subs in the right order.

Here is what I came up with; is there a better (more efficient, cuter, whatever) way to do this? (What am I thinking; obviously there are better ways to do this, after all, this is Perl!!)

use Getopt::Long; sub power { return exp( $_[0] ) } sub log2 { return log( $_[0] )/log(2.0) } sub loge { return log( $_[0] ) } sub log10 { return log( $_[0] )/log(10.0) } sub round { my $n = shift; return int($n + 0.5) if ($n >= 0); return int($n - 0.5); } sub trunc { return int($_[0]) } sub f1 { return sprintf "%.1f", $_[0] } sub f2 { return sprintf "%.2f", $_[0] } sub f3 { return sprintf "%.3f", $_[0] } sub f4 { return sprintf "%.4f", $_[0] } sub f5 { return sprintf "%.5f", $_[0] } sub closure { my($sub, $arg) = @_; return sub { $sub->( &$arg ) } } my %opts = map { $_ => 1 } qw( power log2 loge log10 round trunc f1 f +2 f3 f4 f5 ); my $func = sub { return shift }; while (my $arg = pop(@ARGV) ) { $arg =~ s/^\-+//; if (defined ($opts{$arg})) { $func = closure( eval '\&' . $arg , $func ); } else { print STDERR "Unknown arg: $arg\n"; } } while (<STDIN> ) { chop; my @in = split; print shift(@in), " "; print join(" ", map { $func->($_) } @in), "\n"; }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Dynamic function chains?
by broquaint (Abbot) on Sep 15, 2004 at 12:48 UTC
    Just put the functions in a package and call them dynamically e.g
    { package My::Maths; sub power { return exp( $_[0] ) } sub log2 { return log( $_[0] )/log(2.0) } sub loge { return log( $_[0] ) } sub log10 { return log( $_[0] )/log(10.0) } sub round { my $n = shift; return int($n + 0.5) if ($n >= 0); return int($n - 0.5); } sub trunc { return int($_[0]) } sub f1 { return sprintf "%.1f", $_[0] } sub f2 { return sprintf "%.2f", $_[0] } sub f3 { return sprintf "%.3f", $_[0] } sub f4 { return sprintf "%.4f", $_[0] } sub f5 { return sprintf "%.5f", $_[0] } } my $name = shift or die "Usage: $0 FUNC\n"; die "$0: unknown function method\n" unless my $func = My::Maths->can($method); while (<STDIN> ) { chomp; my @in = split; print shift(@in), " "; print join(" ", map &$func($_), @in), "\n"; }


Re: Dynamic function chains?
by Eimi Metamorphoumai (Deacon) on Sep 15, 2004 at 13:13 UTC
    First of all, exp isn't the same as 2^x (it's e^x). (Found that when I tested the code.)
    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my %opts = ( power => sub { exp( $_[0] )}, log2 => sub { log( $_[0] )/log(2.0) }, loge => sub { log( $_[0] ) }, log10 => sub { log( $_[0] )/log(10.0) }, round => sub { int($_[0] + ($_[0] <=> 0)*0.5) }, trunc => sub { int $_[0] }, f1 => sub { sprintf "%.1f", $_[0] }, f2 => sub { sprintf "%.2f", $_[0] }, f3 => sub { sprintf "%.3f", $_[0] }, f4 => sub { sprintf "%.4f", $_[0] }, f5 => sub { sprintf "%.5f", $_[0] }, ); my $func = sub {$_[0]}; for my $arg (reverse @ARGV){ if (defined $opts{$arg}){ my $localfunc = $func; $func = sub {$opts{$arg}->($localfunc->($_[0]))}; } else { print STDERR "Unknown arg: $arg\n"; } } while (<> ) { chomp; my @in = split; print shift(@in), " "; print join(" ", map { $func->($_) } @in), "\n"; }
      First of all, exp isn't the same as 2^x (it's e^x). (Found that when I tested the code.)

      My bad! I was trying to keep the output simple.

      I like the usage of a hash to store the subs, and also the cute (and much less verbose) &round.

Re: Dynamic function chains?
by tmoertel (Chaplain) on Sep 15, 2004 at 16:52 UTC
    I would take a functional-programming approach. First, I would put the desired mathematical operators in a hash that maps each operator's command-line form to the function that performs the operation:
    sub printN($) { my $format = shift; sub { sprintf $format, @_ } } my %functions = ( -power => sub { exp( $_[0] )}, -log2 => sub { log( $_[0] )/log(2.0) }, -loge => sub { log( $_[0] ) }, -log10 => sub { log( $_[0] )/log(10.0) }, -round => sub { int($_[0] + ($_[0] <=> 0)*0.5) }, -trunc => sub { int $_[0] }, -f1 => printN "%.1f", -f2 => printN "%.2f", -f3 => printN "%.3f", -f4 => printN "%.4f", -f5 => printN "%.5f", );
    (I used a helper function to build the printf functions for me.)

    Second, I would parse the command line to extract, in order, the operators to be performed:

    my @func_pipeline = grep {$_} map {$functions{"$_"}} @ARGV; @ARGV = grep {!$functions{"$_"}} @ARGV;

    At this point, @func_pipeline contains the functions corresponding to the operators we want to apply. I would then use function composition to glue the functions together, to result in a single function that performs the entire pipeline:

    sub compose($$) { my ($f, $g) = @_; sub { $f->( $g->(@_) ) } } sub id { @_ }; # identity function my $composite_fn = reduce {compose($a,$b)} @func_pipeline, \&id;
    (The above uses the ever-handy reduce from List::Util.)

    Finally, I would apply the composite function to each word of input, line by line:

    print join ' ', map $composite_fn->($_), split while <>;
    That's it. Putting it all together into a program, gives this:
    #!/usr/bin/perl -l use strict; use List::Util qw( reduce ); sub printN($) { my $format = shift; sub { sprintf $format, @_ } } sub compose($$) { my ($f, $g) = @_; sub { $f->( $g->(@_) ) } } sub id { @_ }; # identity function my %functions = ( -power => sub { exp( $_[0] )}, -log2 => sub { log( $_[0] )/log(2.0) }, -loge => sub { log( $_[0] ) }, -log10 => sub { log( $_[0] )/log(10.0) }, -round => sub { int($_[0] + ($_[0] <=> 0)*0.5) }, -trunc => sub { int $_[0] }, -f1 => printN "%.1f", -f2 => printN "%.2f", -f3 => printN "%.3f", -f4 => printN "%.4f", -f5 => printN "%.5f", ); my @func_pipeline = grep {$_} map {$functions{"$_"}} @ARGV; @ARGV = grep {!$functions{"$_"}} @ARGV; my $composite_fn = reduce {compose($a,$b)} @func_pipeline, \&id; print join ' ', map $composite_fn->($_), split while <>;
    As an example, let's print (with 4-digit precision) the result of "powering" the numbers 1 2 3:
    $ echo 1 2 3 | ./calc-pipeline -f4 -power 2.7183 7.3891 20.0855
    There you have it!


Re: Dynamic function chains?
by BrowserUk (Patriarch) on Sep 15, 2004 at 13:16 UTC

    Your function outputs don't quite match your expected results, but I left them for you to sort out (apart from round which was a bit verbose :).

    #! perl -lw use strict; my %funcs = ( power => sub { return exp( $_[0] ) }, log2 => sub { return log( $_[0] )/log(2.0) }, loge => sub { return log( $_[0] ) }, log10 => sub { return log( $_[0] )/log(10.0) }, round => sub { return int( $_[0] + $_[ 0 ] < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5 ) }, trunc => sub { return int($_[0]) }, f1 => sub { return sprintf "%.1f", $_[0] }, f2 => sub { return sprintf "%.2f", $_[0] }, f3 => sub { return sprintf "%.3f", $_[0] }, f4 => sub { return sprintf "%.4f", $_[0] }, f5 => sub { return sprintf "%.5f", $_[0] }, ); my @ops = map{ m[^[-+](.*)] && exists $funcs{ $1 } ? $funcs{ $1 } : () } @ARGV; undef @ARGV; while (<> ) { chop; my( $row, @in ) = split; print "$row ", join " ", map{ my $val = $_; $val = $_->( $val ) for @ops; $val; } @in; } __END__ P:\test>perl -power 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2.71828182845905 2.71828182845905 2.71828182845905 7.389056098 +93065 7.38905609893065 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 2.71828182845905 7.38905609893065 1 2.71828182845905 1 1 1 2.7182818 +2845905 3 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 7.38905609893065 20.0855369231877 54.5981500331442 148.413159102577 +403.428793492735 1 2.71828182845905 7.38905609893065 ^Z P:\test>perl -power -trunc 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 7 7 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 2 7 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 7 20 54 148 403 1 2 7 ^Z

    Examine what is said, not who speaks.
    "Efficiency is intelligent laziness." -David Dunham
    "Think for yourself!" - Abigail
    "Memory, processor, disk in that order on the hardware side. Algorithm, algorithm, algorithm on the code side." - tachyon
      The output I showed should have been for "power2" (or "exp2").. my mistake.

      In your solution, you are not constructing a composite subroutine, but instead iterating over all of them in the loop:         $val = $_->( $val ) for @ops;

      Wouldn't a composite subroutine be more efficient?

      There's a trivial mistake in your solution in that it performs the operations in the reverse order (which is fixed by using

      reverse @ARGV
      in the map statement).

      I was aiming to keep the order, because then if you want:
      you can say: -f -g -h

        Wouldn't a composite subroutine be more efficient?

        Generally, evaling at runtime is quite expensive. You'd have to benchmark to say for sure. I guess it depends upon how many time your going to call the composite sub. If your processing large datasets, the cost of eval may become insignificant.

        I usally avoid evaling stuff input from the command line, though ]broquaint]'s use of package->can() seems to avoid most of the risks that usually entails. I liked his solution a lot.

        Yes, I screwed up the order. reverse is the easiest solution.

        Examine what is said, not who speaks.
        "Efficiency is intelligent laziness." -David Dunham
        "Think for yourself!" - Abigail
        "Memory, processor, disk in that order on the hardware side. Algorithm, algorithm, algorithm on the code side." - tachyon
Re: Dynamic function chains?
by dave_the_m (Monsignor) on Sep 15, 2004 at 12:38 UTC
    How about
    s/^\-+// for @ARGV; $func = eval 'sub { ' . join(' ',reverse @ARGV) . '$_[0] }';


Re: Dynamic function chains?
by Roy Johnson (Monsignor) on Sep 15, 2004 at 16:08 UTC
    Just another take:
    #!perl use strict; # BrowserUK's function defs my %funcs = ( power => sub { return exp( $_[0] ) }, log2 => sub { return log( $_[0] )/log(2.0) }, loge => sub { return log( $_[0] ) }, log10 => sub { return log( $_[0] )/log(10.0) }, round => sub { return int( $_[0] + $_[ 0 ] < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5 ) }, trunc => sub { return int($_[0]) }, f1 => sub { return sprintf "%.1f", $_[0] }, f2 => sub { return sprintf "%.2f", $_[0] }, f3 => sub { return sprintf "%.3f", $_[0] }, f4 => sub { return sprintf "%.4f", $_[0] }, f5 => sub { return sprintf "%.5f", $_[0] }, ); my $A = shift; my $chosen = $funcs{$A} or die "No such func $A\n"; s/(?<=\s)(\S+)/$chosen->($1)/ge, print while <>;
    Update: changed from \w to \S.

    Caution: Contents may have been coded under pressure.

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