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A Perl/Tk version of the 3-card trick

by qumsieh (Scribe)
on Oct 02, 2004 at 05:12 UTC ( [id://395826]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I was bored. So I quickly hacked together this implementation of the three-card trick (aka three-card monte). It kept me busy for a little while.


#!perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use constant SIN => sin(3.14159265/18); use constant COS => cos(3.14159265/18); my $color = 'darkolivegreen'; my $score = 0; my @delay = (30, 20, 15, 10, 5); my $topText = "Keep your eye on the indicated box.\nPress Start to pla +y."; my $selFlag = 0; my $mw = new MainWindow; $mw->Label(-textvariable => \$topText, -font => ['Times 14'], -height => 2, )->pack(qw/-fill x/); my $c = $mw->Canvas(-bg => '#CFCFCF', -width => 500, -height => 400, )->pack; my $id1 = $c->createRectangle(90, 190, 110, 210, -fill => $color, -outline => $color, ); my $id2 = $c->createRectangle(240, 190, 260, 210, -fill => $color, -outline => $color, ); my $id3 = $c->createRectangle(390, 190, 410, 210, -fill => $color, -outline => $color, ); my $chosen = ($id1, $id2, $id3)[rand 3]; my $arrow; showArrow($chosen); $c->bind($_, '<1>', [\&selectBox, $_]) for $id1, $id2, $id3; my $msg = $c->createText(250, 300, -text => '', -font => ['Times 22 bold'], -justify => 'center', -fill => 'red', -state => 'hidden'); my $f = $mw->Frame->pack(qw/-fill x/); $f->Label(-text => 'Score: ')->pack(qw/-side left/); $f->Label(-textvariable => \$score )->pack(qw/-side left/); $f->Button(-text => 'Start', -bd => 1, -height => 2, -padx => 10, -command => sub { $c->itemconfigure($_, -state => 'hidden') for $arrow, $msg; for (1 .. 10) { my @ids = ($id1, $id2, $id3); my @s; push @s => splice @ids, int(rand @ids), 1 for 1 .. 2; rotate(@s, $delay[$score]); } $topText = "Click on the correct box."; $selFlag = 1; })->pack(qw/-side right/); MainLoop; sub rotate { my ($id1, $id2, $delay) = @_; my @c1 = $c->coords($id1); my @c2 = $c->coords($id2); my $mid1x = 0.5 * ($c1[2] + $c1[0]); my $mid1y = 0.5 * ($c1[3] + $c1[1]); my $mid2x = 0.5 * ($c2[2] + $c2[0]); my $mid2y = 0.5 * ($c2[3] + $c2[1]); #my $offx = $mid1x > $mid2x ? $mid1x - $mid2x : $mid2x - $mid1x; #my $offy = $mid1y > $mid2y ? $mid1y - $mid2y : $mid2y - $mid1y; my $offx = 0.5 * ($mid1x + $mid2x); my $offy = $mid1y; $_ -= $offx for $mid1x, $mid2x; $_ -= $offy for $mid1y, $mid2y; my $dir = rand > .5 ? 1 : -1; # direction for (1 .. 18) { my $new1x = $mid1x * COS - $mid1y * $dir * SIN; my $new1y = $mid1y * COS + $mid1x * $dir * SIN; my $new2x = $mid2x * COS - $mid2y * $dir * SIN; my $new2y = $mid2y * COS + $mid2x * $dir * SIN; $mid1x = $new1x; $mid1y = $new1y; $mid2x = $new2x; $mid2y = $new2y; $c->coords($id1, $mid1x - 10 + $offx, $mid1y - 10 + $offy, $mid1x + 10 + $offx, $mid1y + 10 + $offy); $c->coords($id2, $mid2x - 10 + $offx, $mid2y - 10 + $offy, $mid2x + 10 + $offx, $mid2y + 10 + $offy); $c->update; $c->after($delay); } } sub showArrow { my $id = shift; unless (defined $arrow) { $arrow = $c->createLine(0, 0, 0, 0, -fill => 'red', -arrow => 'last', ); } my @c = $c->coords($id); my $x = 0.5 * ($c[2] + $c[0]); my $y = $c[1]; $c->coords($arrow => $x, $y - 20, $x, $y - 5); $c->itemconfigure($arrow, -state => 'normal'); } sub selectBox { return unless $selFlag; my $id = pop; if ($id == $chosen) { $score++; $c->itemconfigure($msg, -text => "That's Correct!\nScore: $score." +); } else { $c->itemconfigure($msg, -text => "Wrong Answer!\nTry again."); } $c->itemconfigure($msg, -state => 'normal'); showArrow($chosen); if ($score == 5) { $score = 0; $topText = "Reached maximum score!\nResetting score to 0."; } else { $topText = "Keep your eye on the indicated box.\nPress Start to pl +ay."; } $selFlag = 0; }

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Re: A Perl/Tk version of the 3-card trick
by tachyon (Chancellor) on Oct 02, 2004 at 08:39 UTC

    Intersting. Minor bug. Press start button again while it is moving.....



      and here's a patch for the start button

      --- 2004-10-02 20:15:10.000000000 -0300 +++ 2004-10-02 20:14:51.000000000 -0300 @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ use constant COS => cos(3.14159265/18); my $color = 'darkolivegreen'; +my $rotating; my $score = 0; my @delay = (30, 20, @@ -68,6 +69,8 @@ -height => 2, -padx => 10, -command => sub { + if (! $rotating) { + $rotating = 1; $c->itemconfigure($_, -state => 'hidden') for $arrow, $ms +g; for (1 .. 10) { @@ -76,8 +79,11 @@ push @s => splice @ids, int(rand @ids), 1 for 1 .. 2; rotate(@s, $delay[$score]); } + $rotating = 0; $topText = "Click on the correct box."; $selFlag = 1; + } + })->pack(qw/-side right/); MainLoop;

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Re: A Perl/Tk version of the 3-card trick
by zentara (Archbishop) on Oct 02, 2004 at 19:33 UTC
    Hey, this would be perfect for a "sobriety test", maybe on a little LCD on the dashboard of a car. Easy enough to pass, but not after a few too many.

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. flash japh

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