use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use Tk::BrowseEntry; use Tk::Optionmenu; use Tk::Dialog; # references srand (time); my $max_x = 500; my $max_y = 500; my $subname; my %subs = ( s_fern => \&s_fern, sier_gasket => \&sier_gasket, sier_carpet => \&sier_carpet ); my $main = new MainWindow(-title => 'Fractal Generator', -height => $max_y + 25, -width => $max_x ); my $canvas = $main->Canvas(-height => $max_y, -width => $max_x, -background=>'black' )->pack(-side =>'bottom'); my $frame = $main->Frame(-height => 1, -width => 500)->pack(-side =>'top'); my $frac_type; my $interations = $main->Optionmenu( -options => ["Spleenwort Fern","Sierpinski's Gasket","Sierpinski's Carpet"], -variable => \$frac_type, )->pack(-side=> "left",); my $int_num; $interations = $main->Optionmenu( -options => [qw/5000 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 75000 100000/], -variable => \$int_num, )->pack(-side=> "left",); my $colour; my $randflag; my @colourarray = ("grey","red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "violet", "purple", "random"); my $colourlist = $main->Optionmenu( -options => \@colourarray, -command => sub { $randflag = 0; if ($colour eq "random") {$randflag = 1}}, -variable => \$colour, )->pack(-side=> "left",); $main->Button( -text => " Exit ", -command => \&exit )->pack(-side =>"right"); $main->Button(-text => 'Create', -command=> sub{ $canvas->delete ("all"); create($canvas); })->pack(-side => 'right',-padx => 25); #$main->waitVisibility; MainLoop; # SUB LAND sub create { my( $canvas) = @_; my $count = 1; my $x; my $y; my $scaleby = 1; my $makexpos = $max_x; my $makeypos = $max_y; my $xlinevalue = 1; my $ylinevalue = 1; if ($int_num >= 30000) { my $dialog = $main->Dialog(-bitmap => 'question', -title => 'Confirm Iterations',-text => "$int_num Iterations may take a while to complete. Would you like to continue?",-default_button => 'Yes', -buttons => [qw/Yes No/]); my $answer = $dialog->Show; if ($answer eq "No") { return; } } $main->Busy(-recurse => 1); if ($frac_type eq "Spleenwort Fern") { $x = 1; $y = 1; $subname = "s_fern"; $scaleby = 10; # reduce it by 10 times $makexpos = 2; # shift the image to middle of canvas }elsif($frac_type eq "Sierpinski's Gasket"){ $x = 40; $y = 400; $subname = "sier_gasket"; }elsif($frac_type eq "Sierpinski's Carpet"){ $x = 40; $y = 400; $subname = "sier_carpet"; } create_dot($canvas, $x, $y, $count, $scaleby, $makexpos, $makeypos, $xlinevalue, $ylinevalue); } sub create_dot { my( $canvas, $x, $y, $count,$scaleby, $makexpos, $makeypos, $xlinevalue, $ylinevalue) = @_; $count ++; if ($count > $int_num){ $main->Unbusy; if ($randflag == 1) { $colour = "random"; } return; } ($x, $y) = $subs{$subname}->($x , $y ); my $newx = ($x * ($max_x/$scaleby)) + ($max_x/$makexpos); my $newy = ($y * ($max_y/$scaleby)) + ($max_y/$makeypos); if ($randflag == 1) { my $currentcolour = int rand (7); $colour = $colourarray[$currentcolour]; } $canvas->createLine($newx,$newy ,($newx + $xlinevalue),($newy + $ylinevalue),-fill=> $colour); create_dot($canvas, $x, $y, $count, $scaleby, $makexpos, $makeypos, $xlinevalue, $ylinevalue); } sub s_fern { my( $x, $y) = @_; my $x1; my $y1; my $c; my ($v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $v5, $v6); $c = int(rand(100)); if ($c < 85) { $v1 = 0.85, $v2 = 0.04, $v3 = 0; $v4 = -0.04, $v5 = 0.85, $v6 = 1.60; }elsif ($c < 91){ $v1 = 0.20, $v2 = -0.26, $v3 = 0; $v4 = 0.23, $v5 = 0.22, $v6 = 1.60; }elsif ($c < 98){ $v1 = -0.15, $v2 = 0.28, $v3 = 0; $v4 = 0.26, $v5 = 0.24, $v6 = 0.44; }else{ $v1 = 0, $v2 = 0, $v3 = 0; $v4 = 0, $v5 = 0.16, $v6 = 0; } $x1 = $v1 * $x + $v2 * $y + $v3; $y1 = $v4 * $x + $v5 * $y + $v6; return $x1, $y1; } sub sier_gasket { my( $x, $y) = @_; my $x1; my $y1; my $c = 0; my @iterative_set = ( sub{ my @pt = (0,0); return( ($pt[0] + $_[0] )/2, ( $pt[1] + $_[1] )/2 ) }, sub{ my @pt = (1,0); return( ($pt[0] + $_[0] )/2, ( $pt[1] + $_[1] )/2 ) }, sub{ my @pt = (.5,1); return( ($pt[0] + $_[0] )/2, ( $pt[1] + $_[1] )/2 ) }, ); # weed out transients while( $c++ != 100 ) { ( $x1, $y1 ) = $iterative_set[ int rand 3 ]->( $x, $y ); return $x1, $y1; } } sub sier_carpet { my( $x, $y) = @_; my $x1; my $y1; my $c = 0; my @iterative_set = ( sub{ my @pt = (0,0); return( ($pt[0] + $_[0] )/3, ( $pt[1] + $_[1] )/3 ) }, sub{ my @pt = (2,0); return( ($pt[0] + $_[0] )/3, ( $pt[1] + $_[1] )/3 ) }, sub{ my @pt = (2,2); return( ($pt[0] + $_[0] )/3, ( $pt[1] + $_[1] )/3 ) }, sub{ my @pt = (0,2); return( ($pt[0] + $_[0] )/3, ( $pt[1] + $_[1] )/3 ) }, sub{ my @pt = (1,0); return( ($pt[0] + $_[0] )/3, ( $pt[1] + $_[1] )/3 ) }, sub{ my @pt = (1,2); return( ($pt[0] + $_[0] )/3, ( $pt[1] + $_[1] )/3 ) }, sub{ my @pt = (2,1); return( ($pt[0] + $_[0] )/3, ( $pt[1] + $_[1] )/3 ) }, sub{ my @pt = (0,1); return( ($pt[0] + $_[0] )/3, ( $pt[1] + $_[1] )/3 ) }, ); # weed out transients while( $c++ != 100 ) { ( $x1, $y1 ) = $iterative_set[ int rand 8 ]->( $x, $y ); return $x1, $y1; } } # References # # Sierpinski fractal algorithms copied from # # # Other fractal algorithms and all values copied from #