in reply to removing task bar entries for Perl applications

Using wperl.exe will allow you to run a perl program without a DOS box appearing, but if you want a windowed application to not show up in the taskbar at all it may not be enough.

Here's a program I wrote to take my Gaim buddy list out of the task bar (and Alt-Tab list):

#!/usr/bin/winperl use warnings; use strict; use Win32::GUI::Carp 'fatalsToDialog'; use Win32::API; use Win32::GuiTest 'FindWindowLike'; use constant SW_SHOW => 0x5; use constant SW_HIDE => 0x0; use constant GWL_STYLE => -16; use constant GWL_EXSTYLE => -20; use constant WS_BORDER => 0x800000; use constant WS_CAPTION => 0xC00000; use constant WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW => 0xCF0000; use constant WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW => 0x80; use constant WS_EX_APPWINDOW => 0x40000; use constant SWP_NOSIZE => 0x1; use constant SWP_NOMOVE => 0x2; use constant SWP_NOZORDER => 0x4; use constant SWP_FRAMECHANGED => 0x20; use constant WS_EX_STATICEDGE => 0x20000; use constant WS_EX_NOACTIVATE => 0x8000000; use constant WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE => 0x100; use constant WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW => 0x300; Win32::API->Import('user32', 'LONG GetWindowLong (HWND h, int f)') + and Win32::API->Import('user32', 'LONG SetWindowLong (HWND h, int f, LONG +n)') and Win32::API->Import('user32', 'BOOL ShowWindow (HWND h, int f)') or die "Couldn't import necessary functions.\n"; #notitlebar('Buddy List'); unfocusable('Buddy List'); # Make one or more windows with title(s) unfocusable # (this also removes their taskbar entry; at least in XP). sub unfocusable { foreach my $win (@_) { my ($hwnd) = FindWindow($win); applyexstyle($hwnd, WS_EX_NOACTIVATE); } } # Undo what unfocusable() does. sub focusable { foreach my $win (@_) { my ($hwnd) = FindWindow($win); removeexstyle($hwnd, WS_EX_NOACTIVATE); } } # Remove window(s) frame (incl. min, max, & close buttons). sub notitlebar { foreach my $win (@_) { my ($hwnd) = FindWindow($win); removestyle($hwnd, WS_CAPTION); } } # Give window(s) a toolbox style frame (ie, small close button). sub toolborder { foreach my $win (@_) { my ($hwnd) = FindWindow($win); applyexstyle($hwnd, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW); } } # Give window(s) a normal frame. sub normalborder { foreach my $win (@_) { my ($hwnd) = FindWindow($win); setstyle($hwnd, WS_BORDER | WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW); setexstyle($hwnd, WS_EX_APPWINDOW); } } # Set window with $hwnd to have exact $style (replace everything else) +. sub setstyle { my ($hwnd, $style) = @_; ShowWindow($hwnd, SW_HIDE); SetWindowLong($hwnd, GWL_STYLE, $style); ShowWindow($hwnd, SW_SHOW); } # Set the style bits set in $style for $hwnd # (NewStyle = OldStyle | $style). sub applystyle { my ($hwnd, $style) = @_; my $old = GetWindowLong($hwnd, GWL_STYLE); $old |= $style; ShowWindow($hwnd, SW_HIDE); SetWindowLong($hwnd, GWL_STYLE, $old); ShowWindow($hwnd, SW_SHOW); } # Clear the style bits set in $style for $hwnd # (NewStyle = OldStyle & ~$style). sub removestyle { my ($hwnd, $style) = @_; my $old = GetWindowLong($hwnd, GWL_STYLE); $old &= ~$style; ShowWindow($hwnd, SW_HIDE); SetWindowLong($hwnd, GWL_STYLE, $old); ShowWindow($hwnd, SW_SHOW); } # Same as setstyle() for extended style data. sub setexstyle { my ($hwnd, $style) = @_; ShowWindow($hwnd, SW_HIDE); SetWindowLong($hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, $style); ShowWindow($hwnd, SW_SHOW); } # Same as applystyle() for extended style data. sub applyexstyle { my ($hwnd, $style) = @_; my $old = GetWindowLong($hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); $old |= $style; ShowWindow($hwnd, SW_HIDE); SetWindowLong($hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, $old); ShowWindow($hwnd, SW_SHOW); } # Same as removestyle() for extended style data. sub removeexstyle { my ($hwnd, $style) = @_; my $old = GetWindowLong($hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); $old &= ~$style; ShowWindow($hwnd, SW_HIDE); SetWindowLong($hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, $old); ShowWindow($hwnd, SW_SHOW); } # Find a window with $title and return its HWND. sub FindWindow { my $title = shift; my $timeout = 30; my $hwnd; { ($hwnd) = FindWindowLike(undef, $title); return $hwnd if $hwnd; last unless --$timeout; sleep 1; redo; } die "Couldn't find window '$title'\n"; }

Black flowers blossom
Fearless on my breath