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Loading Times May Vary...

by ktross (Deacon)
on Jun 20, 2005 at 16:14 UTC ( [id://468400]=obfuscated: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

$;='per';map{map{s/^\s+//;$_{$_}++ unless /[^a-z]/}split(/[\s,]+/,$_,0 ) if /alpha.*$;/i .. /wait/}`$;ldoc $;ltoc`;@[=keys%_;@print=('Just ', 'another ','Perl ','hacker',',');for('a'..'z'){$p.=$_.' ';};$g=5;$word =@[[rand(201)],@pop=split(//,$word);for(0..(@pop-1)){$pop[$_]='-'}$tmp =''; for ( 1..24 ){ system (($^O eq qq(\x4D\x53\x57\x69\x6E\x33\x32))? qq(\x63\x6c\x73):qq(\x63\x6c\x65\x61\x72)); print $/, @print, $/,$/; ; print&print(@print),$/,$/;print @pop,$/,$/;print $p,$/;(@print eq 0)?( die):();($tmp=~ m/$word/i)?(exit):();while(!($p=~ m/$g/gi)or($g eq' ') or($g eq '')){print"Enter a Letter:";chomp($g=<STDIN>);}$p=~ s/$g/-/gi ;pos($word)=0;while($word =~ m/$g/gi){($pop[(pos($word))-1]=$g)}($word =~ m#$g#gi)?():($devnul=pop(@print) );$g='';$tmp=join("",@pop); } END{ print"The correct function was $word!"}sub'print{my($a,$b,$c,$d,$f)= ( '|========'."$/".' \\\\// |'."$/".' || \O/'."$/".' || X'."$/" .' || / \\'."$/".' ||'."$/".'_/ \\','|========'."$/".''.""."".''. ' \\\\// |'."$/" .' || \\O/' ."$/" .' || X'."$/".' ||'."$/". ' ||'."$/".'_/ \\','|========'."$/".' \\\\// |' ."$/".' || O'. "$/".' || X'."$/".' ||'."$/".' ||'."$/" ."".''.'_/ \\','' ."" . '|========'."$/".' \\\\// |' ."$/".' || O'. "$/".' ||'."$/"."". ' ||'."$/".' ||'."$/".'_/ \\','|========'."$/".' \\\\// |' ."$/". ' ||'."$/".' ||' ."$/".' ||'."$/" .' ||'. "$/".'_/ \\');(@_ eq 4) ?(return $d):((@_ eq 3)?(return $c):((@_ eq 2)?(return$b):(((@_ eq 1)| (@_ eq 0))?(return$a):(return$f))));}$devnul='';#for($xp++){@game=@me}
The more clever bits are, of course, stolen from the Master

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Re: Loading Times May Vary...
by diotalevi (Canon) on Jun 20, 2005 at 20:03 UTC

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Node Type: obfuscated [id://468400]
Approved by davidrw
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