#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $logfile = $ARGV[0]; my $start_date; my $end_date; my %log_totals; open (FILE< $logfile) or die "Could not open $logfile: $!\n"; for () { if (/^\d+/) { ($start_date) = m/^(\d+)/o unless ($start_date); ($end_date) = m/^(\d+)/o; } elsif (/^\s+\d+/o) { my ($bytes,$source,$destination,$ports) = m/ ^\s+\d+\s+(\d+) # pkts & bytes .+ # bla bla bla \s+(\S+) # source \s+(\S+) # destination \s+(n\/a|\w+\s+->\s+\w+)$ # ports /ox; my ($src_port,$dest_port) = ('any','any'); ($src_port,$dest_port) = $ports =~ m/(\w+)\s+->\s+(\w+)/o unless ($ports eq 'n/a'); &data2hash($bytes,$source,$src_port,$destination,$dest_port); # print "$bytes,$source,$src_port,$destination,$dest_port\n"; } } my $start = localtime($start_date); my $end = localtime($end_date); print "From: $start\n"; print "To: $end\n"; print "Source Address,Source Port,Destination Address,Destination Port,Bytes\n"; for my $key (keys %log_totals) { print "$key,$log_totals{$key}\n"; } sub data2hash { my ($bytes,$src_addr,$src_port,$dest_addr,$dest_port) = @_; if ($src_addr ne 'anywhere') { # we have a src address match if ($src_port ne 'any') { # we have a src port match $log_totals{"$src_addr,$src_port,,"} += $bytes; } elsif ($dest_port ne 'any') { # we have a dest port match $log_totals{"$src_addr,,,$dest_port"} += $bytes; } else { # only src address match $log_totals{"$src_addr,,,"} += $bytes; } } elsif ($dest_addr ne 'anywhere') { # we have a dest address match if ($src_port ne 'any') { # we have a src port match $log_totals{",$src_port,$dest_addr,"} += $bytes; } elsif ($dest_port ne 'any') { # we have a dest port match $log_totals{",,$dest_addr,$dest_port"} += $bytes; } else { # only dest address match $log_totals{",,$dest_addr,"} += $bytes; } } else { # shouldn't get here print STDERR "eh?\n"; } } close FILE; #!/bin/bash /bin/date +%s >>/var/log/ip-acc/ip-acc.log /sbin/ipchains -L ip-acc -v -x >>/var/log/ip-acc/ip-acc.log /sbin/ipchains -Z ip-acc