my $count = 0; my $message = "Get a Segmentation fault within 20 clicks of Okay: "; my $answer = "Okay"; while ($answer eq "okay") { pop_up_a_message($message . $count); $answer = return_exit_if_count_gt_5($count++); } #### #!/usr/bin/perl -w # File use Tk; use strict; our $answer = "okay"; ############ sub response { my ($we_top, $button_response) = @_; $we_top->destroy; $answer = $button_response; } ############ sub pop_up_a_message { my ($message) = @_; my $okay_button; my $exit_button; print("Can allways see\n"); my $we_top = new MainWindow; print("Cannot see if Segmentation fault\n"); $we_top->Label ( -text => $message)->pack(); #......... $okay_button = $we_top->Button( -text => 'Okay', -command => [ \&response, $we_top, 'okay' ] )->pack(); #......... $exit_button = $we_top->Button( -text => 'Exit', -command => [ \&response, $we_top, 'exit' ] )->pack(); #......... $we_top->MainLoop; } ############ my $message = ""; my $count = 1; while ($answer eq "okay") { $message = "On at least Slackware and Mandriva, Perl 5.8.7 or 5.8.8, this code will\n" . " get a Segmentation fault within 20 clicks of Okay \n " . $count++ . "\n"; pop_up_a_message($message); print ("You pressed $answer\n"); }