After another long break between posting, here's my latest effort.

update: here's a shorter version:

$_="JUST ANOTHER PERL HACKER,";s#.{5}#$d=5;map{$d+=$f++%2?3*$_:$_}@a=m +ap {split//}unpack C5,$&;$_=join"",$"x3,$t="| |",map{/ /?$_:do{$l=$z=unpa +ck B7,pack v,unpack(x.$_.C,"5A;eKYWc_3")-40<<1;$z=~s/./1^$&/eg;$m=reverse +$z ;${qw.l m m l l m.[$c++%12]||z}}}@a=(0,splice(@a,0,5," $t "),@a,10-$d% +10 ),$t.$/;s/\d/$&?"|":$"/eg;"$_$_ 5 $t".join$"x5,$",@a," $t\n\n"#eg;prin +t" <pre style='font:900 10 courier;line-height:8px;letter-spacing:-4px'>$ +_"
this outputs an html fragment - hopefully it's browser compliant which probably only properly works in Moz.
If not you should be able to see what's going on...
this might explain what's happening.