perlcapt has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm looking for suggestions on how to beautify/clean_up my subroutine argument references. Here is the situation: I have many options to my application, all of which are stored in an object attributes structure. Typical Getopt::Long elements looks like this:
my $opts = GetOptions ( "input|source|i:s" => sub { if($_[1]) { $new->source($_[1]); }else{ $new->source($last->source); } }, "verbose" => sub { $new->verbose($_[1]); }, # and so on
What I find ugly is the use of $_[1] to reference the value that GetOptions parses for each option. $_[0] is the option name. $_[1,2] are used for values or references to hashes and lists. I suppose I could just pass the whole list to the object method, but that gets ugly since most of these methods are designed to store/retrieve attributes and defined by an AUTOLOAD subroutine down in the class i.e. package.
Updated to reflect proper variable prefix for list refs. thanks to davido for waking me up about my syntax. -ben