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Re: Perl Worst Practices

by alpha (Scribe)
on Jun 26, 2006 at 18:00 UTC ( [id://557625]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Perl Worst Practices

Damn thing is not even Deparse'able :/
... While deparsing near line 39, Unexpected our($,) CHECK failed--call queue aborted.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: Perl Worst Practices
by Hue-Bond (Priest) on Jun 26, 2006 at 19:20 UTC
    Damn thing is not even Deparse'able

    Yes. That's a feature!

    David Serrano

      use warnings; use strict 'refs'; (our $d = 20); (*, = *EUID); ((-'JAPH') =~ join('\\s*', (('(\\S+)') x 4))); use Getopt::Std; getopts('smt:', (\%;)); (($;{'m'} and (not $;{'s'})) and ($^] = v109)); ((%~) = (($^] eq 's') ? ('o', 6, 'a', 11) : reverse(14, 'a', 7, 'o'))) +; eval(join('', map({($^[ = chr(((('26', '6', '10', '7', '0'))[$_] + 69) +)); ($_ or ($^[ x= 2)); ($/ = (($_ == 3) ? 'use Symbol; ' : '')); (local $; = chr(((('6', '1', '0', '5', '3'))[$_] + 77))); ($a = (($_ == 3) ? ";\${*alt=\n*{\$q=gensym}} " : '')); ($S::I = (($_ == 1) ? 'our$X;our$ s=($X=~$q);' : ' ')); ($S::S = (('qr/$q/', '\\$s', 'sub{$$q;}', '\\*alt', '$q'))[$_]); "package $^[;$/sub $; {our\$k=shift ;our\$q$a=\nshift;$S::Ibless $S::S +,\$k;}";} (0..4)))); ($/ = ()); our($ORS, %I, $I, %~, $OFS, $RS, %a, $~, $l); if (open($/, '<', (\$RS))) { while (read($/, $_, $=)) { ($, = $_); (&${*${'E'->P('L'->R('O'->M('K'->N('__'->S(v46)))));}{'SCALAR' +};}() or next); (// and (($I, $~) = (($^] eq 's') ? ($l, $.) : ($:, $^)))); ($I{(255 - $I) ^ 85} = $~); } ((*., *^, *l, *:) = (*", *;, *=, *b)); ($a{'a'} = '$~=join"",@ ~'); our(@RS); sub a { (local $_ = (caller((fileno($/) == 0)))[3]); &u; (v36 . $_); } sub b { local $/; (@; = join(' ', $^X, q[-e"print'], @_, q[';"|])); eval($_) foreach (<ARGV>); } (*K::X and (@RS = (sort {(@~ = map({pack('B8', $_);} grep(((!/^0{3 +}/) && (!/^1/)), map({unpack('B*', $_);} split(//, (defined($;{'t'}) +? $;{'t'} : ((defined($a{&main::}) && length($a{&main::})) ? $a{&main +::} : '')), 0))))); use File::Glob (); ((not @~) and (@~ = split(//, (('Z&q>' ^ glob("0G\cAV")) ^ join(gl +ob(' '), map({(tr/1-9/ -(/, s/[0-9]/chr($_);/e); $_;} split(qr//, unpack(glob('b{}4'), chr(rand(16))), 0)))), 0))); ($l += ord($_)) foreach (@~); return((($l % 2) ? (-1) : 1));} @RS[127, 255]))); b(a()); undef($I); (open($I, '<', (\3)) or die(((-'OPEN1') . $!))); eval('"BEGIN{use English}"'); (*^] = (-'CORE::GLOBAL::undef')); ($a{'a'} = qq[sub BEGIN{sub CORE::length{(undef,local\$_)=\@_\n;in +dex\$_,""=>\$l*\$l}}]); { package S; our(@l); (@l[split(//, hex(join('', ('b', 'c', 'd'))), 0)] = ([0, (-1)] +, [1, (fileno((bless((\($. = rand)), (--$-)), $/)) == 0)], [(-1), 0], + [0, 1])); sub END { $main::OFS->Tgoto('cm', 0, 0, *~); $main::OFS->Tputs('ve', 1, *~); } (*l = (*l = sub { splice(@_, 6, 0, splice(@_, 0, 1)); (our(@I) = (shift(@_), shift(@_))); (() = return((wantarray ? () : bless({'mnm', [@I], 'mmn', +($I[1] - 1), 'mww', 0, 'mmw', ($I[0] - 1), 'mwn', 0, 'mwm', shift(@_) +, 'mnw', shift(@_), 'mmm', [shift(@_), shift(@_)]}, shift(@_))))); } )); } our(@I); b(a()); our(@a); ((($^] = $_) and (splice(@a, (($|, 1, (!(!(!$ORS)))))[(($a++) or $ +|)], $|, 0) || map({($_ += $^]);} @a))) or (@a = map({sprintf($6, ($_ + / $_), $_, $_, $_, ($_ * $_));} @a))) foreach (('10', '55', '46', '0 +')); (@: = grep(length($_), split(/(??{local(\$ ,,\$^)=((index+(\$.="." +),"",42),substr\$_,pos,1);\$_ eq\$\n^and substr\$.,0,\$,,""and last f +or\@a;substr\$.,0,\$,,"";})/, 'UE.0.ogcnoVesZeXMh', 0))); (*ORS = *|); map({push(@/, ((($/[-1] || 0) - 112) + ord($_)));} split(//, 'pzw' +, 0)); ($_ = (*^] ^ (8.49.48 x 48.48.55))); (@^[ = (split(//, $_, 0))[@/]); ($^[[($_ * 2) + 1] = ($^[[$_ * 2] = $^[[$_])) foreach (reverse((0. +.2))); splice(@I, (6 + @I), 0, ('O', 'O', '0', '0', '@'), (!(do { push(@I, ((localtime)[8] ? @: : @^[)) }, '@'))); { local $/; (@/ = (($~{'o'} * 'CORE'->length($~)), $~{'a'})); ($, = 'S'->l(@/, ref((\$.)), 4, (-1), ref((\$.)))); ($^] = 'S'->l(@/, <$I>, eval('$ORS ++;2'), ($/[ref((\$.))] - 1 +), $/[1])); ($a{'a'} = "\@RS=();\nsplice\@RS,\@RS,0=>int rand 2for split// +,\$~;"); } (@/ = ()); our(@OFS); ($d /= 1000); sub END { foreach $^[ (((\@/), (\@OFS))) { (($^[ == (\@OFS)) and select((), ((), ()), (), 0.5)); sub BEGIN { ((*b, *I, *;, *^], *RS, *a) = (\('NaN', @{[' '];}, q[B +EGIN{use Term'Cap}], 's', @{[(0..255)];}, %ENV))); } sub BEGIN { sub RS { I(sub { $OFS->Tputs('vi', 1, *~); } ); shift(@_)->(); } ((*,, *., *EUID, *:) = (5, 1, *K::X, 4)); } sub BEGIN { ((*~ = $main::{'STDOUT'}), (*u = sub { s/.*:{2}//; } )); } sub BEGIN { sub CORE::length { return(length(@_)); } } for (($. = (our $I = ref((\$.)))); (eval('$I++if!$ ^[->[$. +]') or $ORS); (++$.)) { ($^ = (($^[ == (\@/)) ? @I : (-1))); if (((-rand(1)) == rand((-1)))) { ($. = q[0+(/SDLF?.2:EFLSE?:<GOSD,22'FHBS/,-#FASD#/ +4=FAS&9/*SDFL!< /LHA'!gUyA3Bf'HAS5#/,HABV'0#81SD]); (our $, = q[sDFH!%83SOFS*(?rOfUI`96dFGASf:'2LDHGf +snujfdla&HUFA6(?lBSDJl8 SIF_1 E'F^'4sAQFI,a.9SDFJHlN]); warn((("\n" x $~{'a'}) . ($. ^ $,))); goto I; } else { unless (($: and do { foreach $_ (($. - (@I - 1)) .. $.) { ($^ += (($^[ == (\@/)) ? (-1) : 1)); unless ((not ($: =~ /n(?{m#(?{$_})#&&sprin +tf q#\# %02x#,ref\$..q#@ OFS##&&$ substr{42} })An#"@{[defined$I&&length$I&&(sprintf$I.("6611"^"bg|a")||do{&u(q"$I/x +))) { do { (((oct(ref(${'E'->P('L'->R('O'->M( +'K'->N)));})) > glob(' ')) || /(??{substr\$ \,2+pos,1})/) and print(" +by Hue-Bond\n")); }; } (((defined($$^[[$_]) and ($_ >= ref((\$.)) +)) and ($RS[$$^[[$_][(--$-)] / $~{'o'}] ? (!(hex(substr($I{ord(substr +($~, int(($$^[[$_][(--$-)] / $~{'o'})), 1))}, (2 * $$^[[$_][1]), 2)) +& (1 << (($~{'o'} - 1) - ($$^[[$_][(--$-)] % $~{'o'}))))) : (hex(subs +tr($I{ord(substr($~, int(($$^[[$_][(--$-)] / $~{'o'})), 1))}, (2 * $$ +^[[$_][1]), 2)) & (1 << (($~{'o'} - 1) - ($$^[[$_][(--$-)] % $~{'o'}) +))))) and print({($OFS->Tgoto('cm', $$^[[$_][0], $$^[[$_][1], *~), *~ +);} $I[$^])); } select((), (), ((), ()), $d); eval(qq["BEGIN{* CORE::GLOBAL::open=sub{\\ \$_ +=\nq^?n/j_pp!|m5|meF*I,SnpI{^^q ^|!}/eJ7m3/t0W_)Z,B{./`\@^^eval}}"]) })) { do { (($^[ == (\@/)) and print((*^] ^ " ~,= <\c +V\cZ\t-\cAb29JJ\cZ\034\cPE\cHeeded.\n"))); last; }; } } (($I == (@I - 1)) and last); } } I: ; } sub BEGIN { ((*l, *ORS, *^) = split(//, 362, 0)); sub I { v(sub { $OFS->Trequire('cl', 'cm'); } ); shift(@_)->(); } (*ORS = (\(('%3$*' . *1{'NAME'}) . '$.*c'))); } { package S; our(@l); sub I { (our $I = $_[our $S = 0]); I: (our $ww = ($$I{'mmm'}[0] + $l[$$I{'mwm'}][0])); (our $wn = ($$I{'mmm'}[1] + $l[$$I{'mwm'}][1])); ($. = ((our(@I) = (0..3)), '')); (our $l = join(' els', map({(our($j, @t, $t) = unpack('b2' +, $_)); "if(\$I->{mwm}==@{[(('ref\\$.', (1 .. $#I)))[$_]];}){if(\$ +w@{[((('w', 'n') x 2))[$_], $main::I[0], ((((v62) x 2), ((v60) x 2))) +[$_]];}\$I->{'m@{[((((v109) x 2), ((v119) x 2)))[$_], ((('w', 'n') x +2))[$_]];}'}){return undef\$I->{mmm}if\$S;if(\$I->{mnw}\n== 4){\$I->{ +'m@{[(((('m') x 2), ((v119) x 2)))[((-1) + $_)], ((('n', 'w') x 2))[$ +_]];}'}@{[((@t = split(??, $j, 0)) && (((0 + $t[0]) ^ (0 + $t[1])) ? +'--' : '++'))];};\$I->{mwm} = $I[(-3) + $_]}elsif(\$ I\n-> {mnw }==2) +{\$I->{'m@{[(((('w') x 2), ((v109) x 2)))[((-1) + $_)], ((('n', 'w') +x 2))[$_]];}'}\n@{[(($t = $j) && (((0 + substr($t, 0, 1)) ^ (0 + subs +tr($t, 1, 1))) ? '++' : '--'))];};\$I->{mwm}=$I[(-2) + $I[(-3) + $_]] + }else{\$ K::X=int qq'${*_{'SCALAR'};}'}\$ S ++;\ngoto I}}";} @I))); ((defined(eval("$l;1")) and ($$I{'mmm'} = [$ww, $wn])) or +return); (not (not $l)); } ; } sub BEGIN { (*, = (\'PERLMONKS')); (*; = (\@ARGV)); } sub v { (local $/ = v10); ($OFS = 'Term::Cap'->Tgetent({'TERM', ${(\undef);}, 'OSPEED', +$.})); shift(@_)->(); } while (($,->I and $^]->I)) { eval('package S'); splice(@/, @/, 0, ($$,{'mmm'} || <$I>)); splice(@OFS, 0, (fileno($/) == 0), ($$^]{'mmm'} || ())); eval('package main;'); } b(a()); require POSIX; ($. = 'POSIX::Termios'->new); $.->getattr; ($. = $.->getospeed); eval("$^"); RS(sub { $OFS->Tputs('cl', 1, *~); } ); } else { die(((-'OPEN2') . $!)); } sub BEGIN { use warnings; use strict 'refs'; ($RS = "0004040404040404040400 004242424242424242423c000000 214 25 +5\n0018040404030404041800 003c42422418244242423c000000 215 146\n00010 +10202040808101000 004040404040404040407e000000 133 230\n0000000e10101 +0100e0000 000000003a44444438205c423c00 201 205\n001008040404040408100 +0 001010107c10101010120c000000 131 222\n000e080808080808080e00 001824 +4242424242422418000000 241 154\n0000000000000004040408 000000003c4202 +3e42423e000000 134 203\n00001212121212120c0000 007e404040784040404040 +000000 255 236\n0006080808300808080600 0000000042422418244242000000 2 +09 210\n0000140814000000000000 003c424242463a02424438000000 128 147\n +0000000404000004040408 4040202010101008080404020200 145 246\n001c0404 +04040404040000 000000007e04081010207e000000 198 208\n00001f0404040404 +040000 000808001808080808083e000000 254 195\n00001f10101e01110e0000 0 +04266665a5a4242424242000000 159 231\n00000e04040404040e0000 001824424 +2427e42424242000000 227 235\n0000000e121212160a021c 003c4242424242724 +a463c040200 205 251\n00000012121212160a0000 001824242418324a444c32000 +000 223 140\n000000001f001f00000000 0000000022222a2a2a2a14000000 151 +221\n00001212121e1212120000 0042426262524a46464242000000 226 228\n001 +010141a121212120000 000e040404040404444438000000 194 224\n00001c12121 +c1010100000 0000000000000000000000007e00 250 245\n000a0a0a00000000000 +000 003c424204080808000808000000 136 149\n0000000c020e12160a0000 007f +080808080808080808000000 203 254\n0010101214181412110000 000000003c42 +427e40423c000000 193 207\n0000001115151f0a0a0000 02040808101010101008 +08040200 221 130\n0000000019260000000000 001c2040405c624242423c000000 + 212 156\n00000e0404040404040438 1e10101010101010101010101e00 224 241 +\n00000e12202022120e0000 000000005c62424242625c404000 237 218\n000000 +0000000000000000 2010080804040404040808102000 213 131\n0000111b1b1515 +11110000 3c04040404040404040404043c00 231 247\n000000121212120c0c0000 + 000000003a46424242463a020200 220 219\n00000c0c12121e12120000 0014141 +43e14143e141414000000 235 137\n00000c12212121120c0603 007c424242427c4 +8444242000000 251 248\n00001c222e2a2f201e0000 000000000000000000081c0 +80000 234 132\n001010141a1212121c0000 007e02040808102020407e000000 20 +0 240\n0000000204080402000000 003c424240300c0242423c000000 150 249\n0 +0000e11111111110e0000 003c424240404e4242463a000000 154 237\n0000001a1 +5151515150000 0000000000000000000000000000 199 213\n00000000000000000 +03f00 0000000000003e00000000000000 245 135\n00001010101010101e0000 30 +08080808080408080808083000 230 215\n0000000808000008080000 000000081c +080000081c08000000 144 144\n00001c12121c12121c0000 000000005c62424040 +4040000000 232 216\n000004040a0a1111000000 18244200000000000000000000 +00 244 244\n000000110a04040a110000 004040405c62424242625c000000 210 2 +00\n00000e11010608101f0000 000818280808080808083e000000 152 155\n0004 +001c04040404040438 007e020404080810102020000000 192 157\n001c04040404 +0404041c00 0000020408102010080402000000 247 150\n00000000000000080800 +00 000000003c42424242423c000000 132 197\n00001e10101c1010100000 00020 +2023a46424242463a000000 236 206\n00000000001f0000000000 0000000000000 +000000000000000 135 138\n0000112a14040a15220000 020204040808081010202 +0404000 143 133\n0000040c14040404040000 00324a4c3808101c32524c000000 +155 143\n0000121a1a161612120000 00000000342a2a2a2a2a22000000 228 199\ +n0000080808080008080000 007e40407c42020242423c000000 139 159\n0000001 +008040810000000 000000082a1c081c2a0800000000 148 128\n0000081e0808080 +8060000 00040c14142424447e0404000000 222 158\n00081e28281c0a0a3c0800 +1008040000000000000000000000 142 202\n00000e11110e11110e0000 00222222 +14140808080808000000 146 243\n00000c120c0d12120d0000 0000201008040204 +081020000000 140 148\n0000111515151f0a0a0000 000000003c42404040423c00 +0000 253 201\n00000e11010601110e0000 003e08080808080808083e000000 153 + 227\n0000141436143614140000 0000000018180000180808100000 137 145\n00 +00001e020408101e0000 0042424242242424181818000000 208 252\n0000060a0a +121f02020000 00083c4a4a281c0a4a4a3c080000 158 142\n000000141a12121212 +0000 0000000022222214140808000000 196 220\n00000e11110f01110e0000 000 +000005c624242424242000000 147 196\n000011110a040404040000 003c4242424 +2424242423c000000 243 229\n00001c12121c1412120000 0000000042424242463 +a02423c00 248 211\n0000001212120c0c081010 001808080808080808083e00000 +0 211 198\n0000111214181412110000 0008080808080808000808000000 225 13 +9\n00000e1101060004040000 20524a0400000000000000000000 149 212\n00000 +00000000000000000 000c1210107c1010101010000000 138 204\n0000000e10180 +6021c0000 0000000000000000001808081000 217 134\n000012120c0c0c1212000 +0 004040405c624242424242000000 242 194\n0804000000000000000000 007e40 +404078404040407e000000 202 239\n00001e02040c08101e0000 003c4242020404 +0810207e000000 240 152\n0007081e08080808080000 000000007e00007e000000 +000000 204 151\n0000000c121212120c0000 003c42424040404042423c000000 1 +97 233\n0000000c121e10100e0000 0078444242424242424478000000 207 238\n +0002040808080808040200 002222222222222a2a2a14000000 130 253\n00001f01 +02040408080000 007e0204081c020242423c000000 157 153\n00000e1220202010 +0e0000 0000000808083e08080800000000 233 129\n0000000b0d080808080000 0 +078444244784442424478000000 216 232\n00001e10101c10101e0000 000000003 +c42201804423c000000 239 217\n0000121212120c0c0c0000 00000000424242424 +2463a000000 252 223\n0002020e121212160a0000 0042444850605048444242000 +000 206 225\n00001c12111111121c0000 0002020006020202020222221c00 238 +192\n0004040400000000000000 1414141400000000000000000000 141 136\n000 +4001c04040404040000 0608080808081008080808080600 195 209\n000000141a1 +212121c1010 0808080808080808080808080800 218 214\n00000004041f0404000 +000 007c424242427c40404040000000 129 250\n00000e10100c02021c0000 0042 +422424181824244242000000 249 242\n0010100808040202010100 080808080000 +0000000000000000 246 141\n00000e11101e11110e0000 00404040444850704844 +42000000 156 193\n00000c12212121120c0000 00424242427e4242424242000000 + 229 226\n0000000e121212160a0202 001c224e525252524e201e000000 219 234 +\n"); }
      After some work with ..... Bwahahaha ]:)

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