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apache errorlog

by epoptai (Curate)
on Feb 02, 2001 at 20:24 UTC ( [id://56015]=perlcraft: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

   1: #!perl
   2: # 1. parses and displays apache errorlogs
   3: # 2. just change $error_log and $apache to your paths
   4: # 3. cookies remember the list size and filter status
   6: use strict;
   7: use CGI qw(:standard);
   8: use CGI::Cookie;
   9: use HTML::Entities;
  11: my$error_log = 'c:\path\to\error.log'; # CHANGE
  12: my$apache    = 'c:\path\to\Apache\Apache.exe: ';   # CHANGE but, leave space at end.
  13: my$show  = 10; # default number of errors to show
  14: my@EL = stat $error_log;
  16: my%cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie;
  17: my%i = map{$_ => param($_)} param;
  18: my$url = url();
  19: my$time = localtime();
  20: $time =~s| .{4}$||o;
  22: open (ELOG,"<".$error_log) or die "$!";
  23: my@elog=<ELOG>;
  24: close (ELOG) or die "$!";
  26: my($cc,$c1,$c2);
  28: if($cookies{'show'}){
  29: 	unless($i{'n'}=~/\d+/){
  30: 		$show = $cookies{'show'}->value;
  31: 		}
  32: 	}
  33: if($i{'n'}=~/\d+/){
  34: 	$show=$i{'n'};
  35: 	$c1 = new CGI::Cookie(-name=>'show',-value=>"$show",-expires=>'+1y');
  36: 	} 
  37: if(($cookies{'clean'}=~/yes/) or ($i{'do'}=~/clean/)){
  38: 	if($i{'do'}=~/clean/){
  39: 		$c2 = new CGI::Cookie(-name=>'clean',-value=>'yes',-expires=>'+1y');
  40: 		}
  41: 	$cc=' checked';
  42: 	}
  43: if(($i{'go'}=~/show/) && ($i{'do'}!~/clean/)){
  44:  	$c2 = new CGI::Cookie(-name=>'clean',-value=>'no',-expires=>'+1y');
  45: 	$cc=();
  46: 	}
  48: print header(-cookie=>[$c1,$c2]);
  49: print<<HTML;
  50: <html><head>
  51: <title>$show Recent $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} Server Errors</title>
  52: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
  53: function me(){
  54: document.forms[0].elements[0].select();
  55: document.forms[0].elements[0].focus();}
  56: //--></SCRIPT></head>
  57: <body bgcolor="#c0c0c0" text="#000000" onload="me()">
  58: <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  59: <tr><form method="post"><td>
  60: <h3>$show Recent <a href="http://$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}/">
  61: $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}</a> Server Errors<br>
  62: <font size="-1">$time</font><br></h3></td>
  63: <td align="right"><small>
  64: clean</small><input type="checkbox" name="do" value="clean"$cc>
  65: <input type="text" name="n" value="$show" size="3" maxlength="4" onfocus="select()">
  66: <input type="submit" name="go" value="show"></td>
  67: <td rowspan="2">&nbsp;</td></form></tr></table>
  68: <hr>
  69: HTML
  70: @elog=reverse(@elog);
  71: my$c=0;
  72: foreach my $ln(@elog){
  73: 	unless($c==$show){
  74: 		&encode_entities($ln);	
  75: 		$ln=~s|\Q$apache||oi;
  76: 		if($cc=~/checked/){
  77: 			$ln=~s/\s\[(?:notice|error|warn)\]\s\[client.*\]//o;
  78: 			$ln=~s/\s2\d{3}]/\]<br>/o;
  79: 			$ln=~s/\[/<small><b>/o;
  80: 			$ln=~s|\]|</b></small>\n|o;
  81: 			}
  82: 		print $ln.'<hr>';
  83: 		$c++
  84: 		}
  85: 	}
  86: print<<HTML;
  87: <table width="100%"><tr><td colspan="2" align="right"><font size="-1">
  88: <a href="file://$error_log">$error_log</a> = $EL[7] bytes</td></tr></table></body></html>
  89: HTML
  90: exit

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Re: apache errorlog
by TheoPetersen (Priest) on Feb 16, 2001 at 01:42 UTC
    You might want to read up on Apache::ParseLog, which handles the log file parsing more robustly than your example. It automatically reads httpd.conf to find out the format of the log file.

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