samirpatry has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi All

I was create a program which produce some data.Now i use the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel to store the data.But i need some more fexible way to store the data.
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; my $workbook =Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("final_status.xls"); $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet(); $format = $workbook->add_format(); $format->set_bold(); $format->set_color('Blue'); $format->set_align('center'); $col = $row = 0; $worksheet->set_column( 0, 0, 20 ); #Serial No $worksheet->set_column( 1, 1, 15 ); #Test ID $worksheet->set_column( 2, 2, 15 ); # Status $worksheet->set_column( 3, 3, 15 ); # Total $worksheet->set_column( 4, 4, 15 ); # Pass $worksheet->write(A1,"Serial No:", $format); $worksheet->write(B1,"Testcase ID:", $format); $worksheet->write(C1,"Status:", $format); $worksheet->write(D1,"Total:", $format); $worksheet->write(D3,"Total Pass:", $format); $worksheet->write(D4,"Total Fail:", $format); $worksheet->write(E1,"Result:", $format); # Manual Entry $worksheet->write(C2, "pass"); $worksheet->write(C3, "fail"); $worksheet->write(C4, "pass"); $worksheet->write(C5, "fail"); $worksheet->write(C6, "fail"); $worksheet->write(C7, "fail"); $worksheet->write(C8, "fail"); $worksheet->write(C9, "fail"); ##########code to store the data in row wise my $row=3; my $col=0; my $slno=1; my $testid='00A'; my $status='pass'; $worksheet->write($row,$col,$status); my $array_ref; my @array = ($slno, $testid, $status); $array_ref = \@array; $worksheet->write_row($row, $col, $array_ref); ###Formula To claculat the total $worksheet->write('E3', '=COUNTIF(C2:C9,"pass")'); $worksheet->write('E4', '=COUNTIF(C2:C9,"FAIL")');

Here i manually enter the data.So i think about the other way to implement the same.

1.How can i create a subroutine so that from my main program i pass the 3 value and catch it and write the value in excel sheet.As i not sure about the usges of write_row in subroutine.

In case of formula the row and column not taking the variable.As i need to write the result in last row and last column.

Any hint ,suggestion will help a lot