in reply to Perl and Open Source in General

Does this snub from Microsoft give PERL less credibilty than other software that is enterprise class like WORD or INTERNET EXPLORER?

Well, actually, Microsoft helped to fund the initial work to bring Perl to Windows. They also distributed it with their Windows NT Resource kits. In fact, rather than speak for Microsoft, you can see their opinion here.

Oddly, enough though, Microsoft never distributes Word with any version of Windows I've seen at a store. Maybe I shouldn't use Word either.


Test your modules with bleadperl!

  rsync -avz rsync:// .
  ./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Dprefix=/path/to/test/perl
  make test
  make install

Now, please test you modules! If you have test failures that don't happen with Perl 5.8.8, send a simplified test case to

perlbug at