#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright 2000 Philip Yuson # Distributed as per the Perl copyright agreement. # # This script was written to illustrate Perl/Tk statements. # it was written with Windows in mind as if this were written for # Linux or Unix, I would have used the 'cal' command and the routines # would be a lot simpler. # # use strict; use Tk; # of course you need this use Date::Calc; # you need this to calculate your date # Parms entered are year and month my ( $year, $month ) = @ARGV; $year ||= '2006'; $month ||= '07'; # set the maximum number of days for each month my @maxdays = ( 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ); #if leap year, change the max days for Feb $maxdays[2] = 29 if ( $year % 4 == 0 ); #if leap century, change the max days for Feb $maxdays[2] = 29 if ( $year % 400 == 0 ); # Set $a to get the day of the week my $a = Date::Calc::Date_to_Text( $year, $month, 01 ); my @dateText = split( " ", $a ); # split on spaces my @Literal = split( "-", $dateText[1] ); # split on '-' $_ = $dateText[0]; # set to day of week my @dayArray = ( 'Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa' ); # Set the day array #set the day hash my %days = ( "Sun" => 0, "Mon" => 1, "Tue" => 2, "Wed" => 3, "Thu" => 4, "Fri" => 5, "Sat" => 6 ); my $day = $days{$_}; # get the day number my $on; my $ndx = 0; # initialize day number my $m = new MainWindow; # start a new window $m->configure( -title => "$Literal[1] $Literal[2]" ); # set the window title for ( my $row = 0 ; $row < 7 ; $row++ ) { # create calendar rows for ( my $col = 0 ; $col < 7 ; $col++ ) { # create calendar columns $b = $m->Button( -width => 2, # Create Button -activeforeground => 'white', # format the foreground -activebackground => 'blue' ); # also the background $b->grid( -row => $row, -column => $col ); # put this in the right place if ( $row eq 0 ) { # if first row, $b->configure( -text => $dayArray[$col], # disable the button -state => 'disabled' ); } else { if ( $col eq $day && $row eq 1 ) { $on = 1; $ndx = 1; } # Turn on switch if start of day if ( int($ndx) > int( $maxdays[$month] ) ) { $on = 0; } # Turn off switch if all days are displayed if ($on) { $b->configure( -text => $ndx++ ); # put the day on the button # and add one to the day $b->bind( "", # If the button is presssed [ \&DateSelected, $year, $month ] ); # execute the Date Selected subroutine } else { $b->configure( -state => 'disabled' ) ; # if switch if off, disable button } } if ( $col eq 0 ) { #if first column, this is Sunday $b->configure( -fg => 'red', # configure button -activeforeground => 'white', -activebackground => 'red' ); } } if ( int($ndx) > int( $maxdays[$month] ) ) { last; } # if all days displayed. exit } MainLoop; #Loop sub DateSelected { # execute when button is pressed my ( $w, $year, $month ) = @_; # get the parms (widget, year and month) my $text = $w->cget( -text ); # get the text on the button print "Date Selected: $text\t$year\t$month\n"; # display information }