my $content = get $url; changing to my $content = get($url); #### $ perl -MLWP::Simple -e 'print get ""' Michele "blazar" Dondi's home @

Michele "blazar" Dondi's home @


I've always been half hearted about blogs. I still am. Well, yeah sort of. However I've started writing one, with a much irregular frequency, but who cares? Of course, it had to have perl in the domain name: in fact it's at use Perl. And I'm writing more ore less anything that springs to mind.

Old stuff

(The following is all that was here before I added the section above. Not much, eh?)

No, there's nothing here yet. You'll find something more, but not too much, here.

## $ perl -MO=Deparse,-p -MLWP::Simple -e 'print get ""' use LWP::Simple; print(get('')); -e syntax OK