in reply to Replacing warn/die with carp/croak?

If you have a CPAN module, what do you use? Why? Have you switched from one to another? Why?

I use both die and croak: die for internal exceptions, caught or uncaught; croak for user errors. (I use neither carp nor warn, but would probably distinguish those similarly, if I had cause to use them.)

Do you like to see carp/croak or warn/die when using a CPAN module?

carp/croak, definitely. For user errors, that is the most helpful (telling me where I made a mistake, and not where the module found it). For internal exceptions, I prefer the module handle those itself, and don't show me. (Of course, if it cannot handle those itself, it should show me, most usefully using die. I just won't like it.)

print "Just another Perl ${\(trickster and hacker)},"
The Sidhekin proves Sidhe did it!