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they get DESTROYed
[bar] 51/4%
their refcount drops to 0
[bar] 52/4%
they get collected
[bar] 23/2%
they just refer to something else
[bar] 27/2%
they just warn
[bar] 13/1%
if they're in an eval
[bar] 41/4%
they croak
[bar] 127/11%
they form a circular self-reference and so continue to exist forever, but become inaccessible
[bar] 181/15%
they shutdown
[bar] 6/1%
they are exported
[bar] 4/0%
if they are blessed
[bar] 43/4%
if they are damned
[bar] 2/0%
they reset $self
[bar] 18/2%
they go out of scope
[bar] 127/11%
they get undefined
[bar] 45/4%
they just leave the symbol table
[bar] 21/2%
they get dumped and hope someone remembers the reverse
[bar] 16/1%
they accidentally get stringified and can't be restored
[bar] 17/1%
they're obfuscated and B::Deparse can't handle it
[bar] 20/2%
someone enables strict and they have to adapt or leave
[bar] 37/3%
they're locals and you move away
[bar] 16/1%
they're deprecated for the next release
[bar] 39/3%
they just fade to Python
[bar] 82/7%
they just hibernate waiting for Perl 6
[bar] 160/14%
1168 total votes

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