the_hawk_1 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi esteemed monks!

I seek your enlightment on a really obscured trouble. To make it worst, it's regarding a Microsoft product: Excel.

I'm trying to creat a 3d chart with a bunch of data, but unfortunately, I can't do anything else than a regular 2D!

Here's the perl code:

# Create the chart # $chart = $sheet->ChartObjects->Add(1, 175, 457, 300); $chart->ChartType} = xl3DColumnClustered; $chart->Chart->ChartWizard({Source =>$sheet->Range("D5:D12")}); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{Values}=$sheet->Range("D5:D12"); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{XValues}=$sheet->Range("B5:B12"); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{Values}=$sheet->Range("D5:D12"); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{Name}=$sheet->Range("B5:B12"); $chart->Chart->{HasLegend} = $vtfalse; $chart->Chart->{HasDataTable} = $vtfalse; $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{HasDataLabels} = 1;
Don't worry, the data are in the cells from D5 to D12, and the name are in B5:B12.

Can someone help me?

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Excel and Win32::OLE chart problems
by andyford (Curate) on Oct 29, 2007 at 23:34 UTC

    I'm not a Win32::OLE user, but that loose curly bracket looks suspect:

    $chart->ChartType} = xl3DColumnClustered;
    I tried to throw your code into a file like this:
    use strict; use warnings; use Win32::OLE; my ($vtfalse,$sheet); # Create the chart # my $chart = $sheet->ChartObjects->Add(1, 175, 457, 300); $chart->ChartType = 'xl3DColumnClustered'; $chart->Chart->ChartWizard({Source =>$sheet->Range("D5:D12")}); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{Values}=$sheet->Range("D5:D12"); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{XValues}=$sheet->Range("B5:B12"); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{Values}=$sheet->Range("D5:D12"); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{Name}=$sheet->Range("B5:B12"); $chart->Chart->{HasLegend} = $vtfalse; $chart->Chart->{HasDataTable} = $vtfalse; $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{HasDataLabels} = 1;
    but I still get errors.
    Can't call method "ChartObjects" on an undefined value at K:\Desktop\3 line 7.
    Guess I'm missing something else. Can you post some minimal complete code that illustrates your problem?

      Thanks for taking time to test it.

      Here is a part of code that might help:

      use Win32::OLE qw(in with); use Win32::OLE::Variant; use Win32::OLE::NLS qw(:LOCALE :DATE); use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Office .* Object Library'; use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel'; use Win32::OLE::Const "Microsoft Graph 9.0 Object Library"; my $vtfalse = Variant(VT_BOOL, 0); my $vttrue = Variant(VT_BOOL, 1); my $vtpagesw = Variant(VT_I4, 1); my $vtpagest = Variant(VT_I4, 999); eval {$ex = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application','Quit' +)}; die "Excel not installed" if $@; unless (defined $ex) { $ex = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', sub {$_[0]- +>Quit;}) or die "Oops, cannot start Excel"; }
      I've correct the missing braket, but it didn't change anything. I've also tried to use the $chart->ChartType = 'xl3DColumnClustered';, but I ended with a Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call at Z:\ScriptPerl\SAC\ line 232.

      I'll continue trying to make it work today and I'll update later with my conclusions... if any.

Re: Excel and Win32::OLE chart problems
by bmann (Priest) on Oct 30, 2007 at 19:04 UTC
    The object $chart is an Excel ChartObject, which contains a Chart object, which has a property ChartType. In Excel, that'd be chart.Chart.ChartType In perl,

    $chart->ChartType} = xl3DColumnClustered;
    should be
    $chart->Chart->{ChartType} = ...

      That fix the "style" of the graph!

      Unfortunately, I still didn't get the XAxis Values.

      Did you still get enough time to help me again?

      Here's my *new* code

      # Create the chart # $chart = $sheet->ChartObjects->Add(1, 175, 457, 300); $chart->Chart->{ChartType} = xl3DColumnClustered; $chart->Chart->ChartWizard({Source =>$sheet->Range("D5:D12")}); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{XValues}=$sheet->Range("D5:D12"); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{HasDataLabels} = 1; $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->Interior->{ColorIndex} = 36; $chart->Chart->{HasLegend} = $vtfalse; $chart->Chart->{HasDataTable} = $vtfalse; with ($chart->Chart, 'Elevation' => 15, 'Perspective' => 0, 'Rotation' => 20, 'RightAngleAxes' => $vttrue, 'HeightPercent' => 100, 'AutoScaling' => $vttrue); with ($chart->Chart->Axes(xlCategory), 'TickLabelSpacing' => 1, 'TickMarkSpacing' => 1);
      Thanks again!
        If I understand your question correctly, the values in B5-B12 should be the XAxis labels, right?

        If so, use that range as the source data for the chart, ie

        $chart->Chart->ChartWizard({Source => $sheet->Range("B5:B12,D5:D12")};
        instead of just D5:D12. I believe that the two SeriesCollection lines are the defaults, so they shouldn't be necessary. Keep the ColorIndex line though.