FreakyGreenLeaky has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Apologies for the long post. I'm stumped and our usual (paid) Perl freelance goto guy can't get to it.

I'm using HTML::Parser to extract links and associated text and it works, except for a few issues. It's these few nigglies I need help with.

The script currently outputs:

0. [refresh] ................................. [ +/zz] 1. [] ............................ [linktext] 2. [] ........................... [linktext2] 3. [] ........................... [linktext3 ] 4. [a] ....................................... [bold word] 5. [www.linkfromimage.com1] .................. [text next to image] 6. [href] .................................... [ +2] 7. [destinations/western-cape/map.aspx] ...... [abc] 8. [destinations/free-state/map.aspx] ........ [Free State Map] 9. [destinations/free-state/map2.aspx] ....... [Free State Map2] 10. [a] ....................................... [email link text]
But I need:
0. [refresh] ................................. [ +/zz] 1. [] ............................ [linktext] 2. [] ........................... [linktext2] 3. [] ........................... [linktext3 ] 4. [] ........................... [bold word] 5. [www.linkfromimage.com1] .................. [text next to image] 6. [www.linkfromimage.com2] .................. [] 7. [destinations/western-cape/map.aspx] ...... [abc] 8. [destinations/free-state/map.aspx] ........ [Free State Map] 9. [destinations/free-state/map2.aspx] ....... [Free State Map2]

ie, #4 and #6 must change, and #10 must go bye-bye.

Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong would be appreciated.

#!/usr/bin/perl # # Usage: # get_links_test {file.html} # # use strict; use warnings; use HTML::Parser; #---------------------------------------- # support variables for get_links(). my @get_links_result; my $get_links_txt_hdlr_text_maxsz; my $get_links_txt_hdlr_text_tallysz; my %get_links_txt_hdlr_text_inside; my @get_links_txt_hdlr_tags; sub strdef { my ($str) = @_; return '' if not defined $str; return $str; } #---------------------------------------- # HTML::Parser support routine for get_links(). # NB: Caller must check if inside tag. sub get_links_txt_stashit { my ( $inside, $element, $txt ) = @_; $txt = get_text_cleanit($txt); if ( ( defined $txt and $txt ne '' ) and $txt =~ m/\S+/ ) { # if this is <A>, and previous element was <HREF>, # then pop it off the stack and change it... # I'm sure there's a better way to achieve this. if ( $element eq 'a' ) { my $trec = pop @get_links_result; if ( defined $trec->{href} ) { # override some detail. $element = clean_url( $trec->{href} ); } else { # else push it back. push @get_links_result, $trec; } } my $rec = {}; $rec->{$element} = $txt; push @get_links_result, $rec; $get_links_txt_hdlr_text_tallysz += length $txt; } $inside->{$element} = 0; } sub get_text_cleanit { my ($txt) = @_; $txt =~ s/(?:^[[:punct:]]+|\s+|\n|\r)/ /gxm; $txt =~ s/(?:^\s+|^[[:punct:]]+|\s+$|[[:punct:]]+$)//gxm; return $txt; } sub clean_url { my $url = shift; $url =~ s#^http[s]*://##gxmi; $url =~ s#^ftp://##gxmi; $url =~ s#^gopher://##gxmi; $url =~ s#^news://##gxmi; $url =~ s#^file://##gxmi; $url =~ s#/$##gxm; return $url; } #---------------------------------------- # HTML::Parser support routine for get_links(). sub get_links_txt_hdlr { my ( $self, $txt ) = @_; # todo: something about doing this in a loop bothers me... # somehow, we need to know what the current event html tag is bein +g # processed, then we can do away with this loop... 'tagname' appe +ars to # be for start/end handlers only. foreach my $tag (@get_links_txt_hdlr_tags) { # skip these since they're handled by get_links_start_tag_hdlr +(). next if $tag eq 'img' or $tag eq 'href' or $tag eq 'meta'; get_links_txt_stashit( \%get_links_txt_hdlr_text_inside, $tag, + $txt ) if $get_links_txt_hdlr_text_inside{$tag}; # process if in +side tag. # exit early if got enough text. if ( $get_links_txt_hdlr_text_maxsz and $get_links_txt_hdlr_text_tallysz > $get_links_txt_hdlr_text_maxsz ) { $self->eof; last; } } } #---------------------------------------- # HTML::Parser support routine for get_links(). sub get_links_start_tag_hdlr { my ( $self, $tag, $attr ) = @_; $get_links_txt_hdlr_text_inside{$tag} = 1; if ( $tag eq 'a' and defined $attr->{href} ) { my $txt = get_text_cleanit( $attr->{href} ); return if not defined $txt or $txt eq ''; # skip links to email, javascript, etc. - this is not working. +.. if ( $attr->{href} =~ # [:;] to cope with erroneous HTML m/mailto[:;]|^javascript[:;]|^file[:;]|^news[:;]/i ) { return; } my $rec = {}; $rec->{href} = $txt; push @get_links_result, $rec; $get_links_txt_hdlr_text_tallysz += length $txt; } if ( $tag eq 'area' and defined $attr->{href} ) { my $rec = {}; my $txt = get_text_cleanit( $attr->{href} ); my $title = get_text_cleanit( strdef( $attr->{title} ) ); my $alt = get_text_cleanit( strdef( $attr->{alt} ) ); return if not defined $txt or $txt eq ''; my $content = strdef($title); $content = $alt if $content eq ''; $rec->{$txt} = $content; push @get_links_result, $rec; $get_links_txt_hdlr_text_tallysz += length $txt; } elsif ( $tag eq 'meta' and defined $attr->{'http-equiv'} and lc( $attr->{'http-equiv'} ) eq 'refresh' and defined $attr->{content} ) { my $tempurl = $attr->{content}; $tempurl =~ s#^\s*\d+\s*\;\s*url\s*\=\s*[']*(?:http[s]*://)*## +gi; $tempurl =~ s/[']+$//; my $txt = clean_url($tempurl); return if not defined $txt or $txt eq ''; my $rec = {}; $rec->{refresh} = $txt; push @get_links_result, $rec; $get_links_txt_hdlr_text_tallysz += length $txt; } } #---------------------------------------- # HTML::Parser support routine for get_links(). sub get_links_end_tag_hdlr { my ( $tag, $text ) = @_; $get_links_txt_hdlr_text_inside{$tag} = 0; } # new get_links() sub get_links_new { my ($fn) = @_; my $html_parser = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3 ); @get_links_txt_hdlr_tags = split '\s+', 'title h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 a b em i ' . 'u caption th li dt dd blockquote ' . 'pre area img meta'; undef %get_links_txt_hdlr_text_inside; @get_links_result = (); $html_parser->handler( start => \&get_links_start_tag_hdlr, "self, tagname, attr" ); $html_parser->handler( end => \&get_links_end_tag_hdlr, "tagname, dtext" ); $html_parser->handler( text => \&get_links_txt_hdlr, "self,dtext" +); $html_parser->report_tags( split '\s+', 'a area meta' ); $html_parser->ignore_elements( split '\s+', 'script style comments +' ); eval { $html_parser->parse_file($fn); }; return @get_links_result; } #----------------------------------------------------------------- die "Usage: $0 {file.html}" if not defined $ARGV[0]; my @res = get_links_new( $ARGV[0] ); my $n = 0; for my $hash (@res) { for my $tag ( keys %$hash ) { printf( "%2d%s", $n++, ". [$tag] " . '.' x ( 40 - length($tag) ) . " [$hash->{$ta +g}]\n" ); } } ############################################# HTML file: <html> <meta name='description' content='this is some meta content'> <meta name='keywords' content='cars bikes sales call wheels engine fas +t'> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="300;URL=' +ifs/zz/'"> <title>This is a title</title> <p align=left>this is some P aligned text</p> sfgsdfg sssss sjkfhsfh <div>this is some DIV wrapped text</div> <table><tr><td>now we have some text in a td/table</td></tr></table> this is bold text: <b></b> you can find it here: you can find it here: you can find it here: you can find it here: you can find it here: +vv <a href=>linktext</a> <a href=>linktext2</a> <a href=>linktext3 (<b>bold word</b>)</a> <img src=/xxx.png alt='alt text for img'> <a href=www.linkfromimage.com1>text next to image<img src=/xxx.png alt +='alt text for img'></a> <a href=www.linkfromimage.com2><img src=/xxx.png alt='alt text for img +'></a> <area title='abc' shape="rect" coords="121,380,172,400" href="/destina +tions/western-cape/map.aspx"> <area shape="rect" coords="262,214,301,241" href="/destinations/free-s +tate/map.aspx" title="Free State Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="262,214,301,241" href="/destinations/free-s +tate/map2.aspx" alt="Free State Map2"> <a href=''>email link text</a> </html>