CColin has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi, I've been looking at options for building a standalone app which is a GUI on top of existing Perl scripts to optimise a combination of being futureproof/ being cross-platform/ looking good. A most interesting option seems to be XUL but I cannot find many examples of if/how to do this. Would appreciate some guidance from an experienced monk in this art on whether I am barking up the right tree in terms of potential end results and the best place to look for resources on doing this in perl?

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Perl and XUL app
by dreadpiratepeter (Priest) on Aug 17, 2008 at 11:48 UTC
    A quick google search shows Cyclone3 a Perl/XUL framework
    A quick CPAN search shows, and others
    Having, never worked with XUL, I can't vouch for any of them

    "Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere."
      Thanks for looking - I did look at 2 of the below but they seem to be server side rather than for a standalone app. Also scant documentation, would also be good to hear from someone who has trod this path...
        What is a "standalone app", exactly? What is a "server"? Could you not think of a GUI app as having server and client components? GUI apps generally have a main loop and serve up responses to requests ("events", which are special kinds of requests).
Re: Perl and XUL app
by patspam (Sexton) on Aug 18, 2008 at 16:52 UTC
    I really dig XUL, but have a look at wxPerl as an alternative for cross-platform GUI apps. It's probably going to end up in Strawberry or Chocolate Perl at some stage (which will help with Windows deployment). It's what we're using to build Padre.