# An non-blocking filehandle read that returns an array of lines read # Returns: ($eof,@lines) my %nonblockGetLines_last; sub nonblockGetLines { my ($fh,$timeout) = @_; $timeout = 0 unless defined $timeout; my $rfd = ''; $nonblockGetLines_last{$fh} = '' unless defined $nonblockGetLines_last{$fh}; vec($rfd,fileno($fh),1) = 1; return unless select($rfd, undef, undef, $timeout)>=0; # I'm not sure the following is necessary? return unless vec($rfd,fileno($fh),1); my $buf = ''; my $n = sysread($fh,$buf,1024*1024); # If we're done, make sure to send the last unfinished line return (1,$nonblockGetLines_last{$fh}) unless $n; # Prepend the last unfinished line $buf = $nonblockGetLines_last{$fh}.$buf; # And save any newly unfinished lines $nonblockGetLines_last{$fh} = (substr($buf,-1) !~ /[\r\n]/ && $buf =~ s/([^\r\n]*)$//) ? $1 : ''; $buf ? (0,split(/\n/,$buf)) : (0); }