User since: Dec 24, 2008 at 01:10 UTC (15 years ago)
Last here: Aug 10, 2016 at 05:00 UTC (8 years ago)
Experience: 60
Level:Acolyte (3)
Writeups: 10
User's localtime: Apr 24, 2024 at 10:19 HST
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Started learning small bits of perl when I got my first sysadmin role, took a weeks holiday late 2007 to work my way through the learning perl book. Primarily my work with perl has revolved around hacking existing s‎crip‎ts rather than writing stuff from scratch which is something I want to remedy. I don't really consider myself to be a computer programmer, I don't seem to think about problems the same way most programmers I've met do! I guess I'd describe myself as an admin who does a bit of s‎crip‎ting on the side out of laziness to save time in the long run.