#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; my $mw = MainWindow->new( -title => "hyperlinks" ); my $t = $mw->Scrolled('Text')->pack; my $tag = "tag000"; foreach () { chomp; my (@items) = split (/(http:\S+)/,$_); foreach (@items) { if (/(http:\S+)/) { $t->insert( 'end', $_, $tag ); $t->tagConfigure( $tag, -foreground => 'blue' ); $t->tagBind( $tag, '' => [ \&manipulate_link, $tag, 'raised', 'hand2' ] ); $t->tagBind( $tag, '' => [ \&manipulate_link, $tag, 'flat', 'xterm' ] ); $t->tagBind( $tag, '' => [ \&manipulate_link, $tag, 'sunken' ] ); $t->tagBind( $tag, '' => [ \&manipulate_link, $tag, 'raised', undef, \&printme ] ); $tag++; } else { $t->insert( 'end', $_ ); } } $t->insert( 'end', "\n" ); } MainLoop; sub printme { local ($,) = " "; print "printme:", @_, "\n"; } sub manipulate_link { # manipulate the link as you press the mouse key my ($a) = shift; my ($tag) = shift; my ($relief) = shift; my ($cursor) = shift; my ($after) = shift; # by configuring the relief (to simulate a button press) $a->tagConfigure( $tag, -relief => $relief, -borderwidth => 1 ); # by changing the cursor between hand and xterm $a->configure( -cursor => $cursor ) if ($cursor); # and by scheduling the specified action to run "soon" if ($after) { my ($s) = $a->get( $a->tagRanges($tag) ); $mw->after( 200, [ $after, $a, $s, $tag, @_ ] ) if ($after); } } __DATA__ Hi there. This is text. THis is more text but http://this.is.a/hyperlink in a line. http://this.is.another/hyperlink followed by http://this.is.a.third/hyperlink __END__