# Prepare the message my $body = <<'AMBUSH_READY'; Dear Santa I have killed Bun Bun. Yes, I know what you are thinking... but it was actually a total accident. I was in a crowded line at a BayWatch signing, and I tripped, and stood on his head. I know. Oops! :/ So anyways, I am willing to sell you the body for $1 million dollars. Be near the pinhole to the Dimension of Pain at midnight. Alias AMBUSH_READY # Create and send the email in one shot Email::Stuff->from ('cpan@ali.as' ) ->to ('santa@northpole.org' ) ->bcc ('bunbun@sluggy.com' ) ->text_body($body ) ->attach (io('dead_bunbun_faked.gif')->all, filename => 'dead_bunbun_proof.gif') ->using ('SMTP', Host => 'smtp.mail.yahoo.com') ->send;