C:\test>828831.pl paused # threads.xs(695) # threads.xs(700) # threads.xs(722) # threads.xs(736) # threads.xs(765) # threads.xs(774) # threads.xs(788) # threads.xs(796) # threads.xs(824) # threads.xs(834) # threads.xs(904) # threads.xs(906) # threads.xs(929) accept loop started paused # threads.xs(695) # threads.xs(700) # threads.xs(722) # threads.xs(736) # threads.xs(765) ### hangs here until Connect from IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x544e2a0) ### I connect with telnet # threads.xs(774) ### then everything runs on # threads.xs(788) # threads.xs(796) # threads.xs(824) # threads.xs(834) # threads.xs(904) # threads.xs(906) # threads.xs(929) Client 1 started ### and the internal clients connect