in reply to Re: poorly documented behaviour of readline() and IO::Select
in thread poorly documented behaviour of readline() and IO::Select

Just wrote a POC solution which seems to fix issue with sysread/syswrite and specifying length of the message in the beginning of it (of course this solution is suitable if you can patch both client and server i.e. modify your protocol).

It works fine (linux ubuntu).

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use IO::Select; use IO::Pipe; my $fromchild = new IO::Pipe; my $tochild = new IO::Pipe; my $pid; my $parent_pid = $$; if($pid = fork()) { # Parent $fromchild->reader(); $fromchild->autoflush(1); $fromchild->blocking(1); binmode $fromchild; $tochild->writer(); $tochild->autoflush(1); $tochild->blocking(1); binmode $tochild; my $read_set = new IO::Select(); # create handle set for reading $read_set->add($fromchild); while(1) { print "before select\n"; my ($rh_set, undef, $ex_set) = IO::Select->select($read_set, undef +, $read_set, 30); print "after select\n"; for my $rh (@$rh_set) { my $s = receive_line($rh); print "command: $s"; } } } elsif (defined ($pid)) { # Child $fromchild->writer(); $fromchild->autoflush(1); $fromchild->blocking(1); binmode $fromchild; $tochild->reader(); $tochild->autoflush(1); $tochild->blocking(1); binmode $tochild; send_line($fromchild, "abc\n"); send_line($fromchild, "def\n"); sleep(86400); die; } sub send_line { my ($socket, $line) = @_; my $msg = sprintf("%07d %s", length($line), $line); syswrite $socket, $msg; } sub receive_line { my ($socket) = @_; sysread $socket, my $len, 8; sysread $socket, my $line, $len, 8; return $line; } __END__ Output: before select after select command: abc before select after select command: def before select