in reply to Binomial Golf

Damn, drat, blast, gadzooks, foiled again. MeowChow not only comes up with a similar method but beats me by 4 charachters to boot!!! Using the true return from print to add a '1' to the array is really clever coding MC.


&b(10); &binomial(10); # my simple sub sub binomial { for(0..pop){ my $last = 0; for (@_){ my $temp = $_; $_ += $last; $last = $temp; } push@_,1; print"@_\n"; } } # my golf progression sub b { #map{my$l;map{$t=$_;$_+=$l;$l=$t}@_;push@_,1;print"@_\n"}0..pop; #map{my$l;map{($l,$_)=($_,$_+$l)}@_;push@_,1;print"@_\n"}0..pop; #map{print"1 @_\n";push@_,map{$_+pop}@_,1}0..pop map{print"1 @_\n";@_=map{$_+pop}@_,1}0..pop } $\=$"; sub AUTOLOAD{@_ =caller();print shift} { package Back; ::()} { package To; &::() } { package The; &::() } { package Drawing;&::} { package Board; ::()}