in reply to Bench this BBcode Part 2

$ grep -e /o -e /go -e /io -o | wc -l 89

You are using the /o option 89 times, mostly on regular expressions that do not contain variables, but the /o option is only useful on regular expressions that do contain variables.    Perhaps you should read: What is /o really for?

12 my %AUBBC = (aubbc => 1,utf => 1,smileys => 1,highlight => 1,h +ighlight_function => \&{code_highlight},no_bypass => 0,for_links => 0 +,aubbc_escape => 1,no

It is more readable to put one key/value pair per line, for example like:

my %AUBBC = ( aubbc => 1, utf => 1, smileys => 1, highlight => 1, highlight_function => \&{ code_highlight }, no_bypass => 0, for_links => 0, aubbc_escape => 1, no_img => 0, icon_image => 1, image_hight => 60, image_width => 90, image_border => 0, image_wrap => ' ', href_target => ' target="_blank"', images_url => '', html_type => ' /', fix_amp => 1, line_break => 1, code_class => '', code_extra => '', href_class => '', quote_class => '', quote_extra => '', script_escape => 1, protect_email => 0, email_message => 'Contact&#3 +2;Email', highlight_class1 => '', highlight_class2 => '', highlight_class3 => '', highlight_class4 => '', highlight_class5 => '', highlight_class6 => '', highlight_class7 => '', );

14 my $long_regex = '[\w\.\/\-\~\@\:\;\=]+(?:\?[\w\~\.\;\:\,\$\-\ ++\!\*\?\/\=\&\@\#\%]+?)?';

Perhaps you should compile this once with the qr operator instead of every time you use it?

15 my @key64 = ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L',' +M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d +','e','f','g','h','i'

That is usually written as:

my @key64 = ( 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', 0 .. 9, '+', '/' );

42 sub settings { 43 my ($self,%s_hash) = @_; 44 if (keys %s_hash) { 45 foreach (keys %s_hash) { 46 if ('highlight_function' eq $_) { 47 my $is_ok = check_subroutine($s_hash{$_}) || ''; 48 $AUBBC{highlight} = 0; 49 $AUBBC{highlight_function} = ($is_ok) ? \&{$s_hash{$_}} : +\&{code_highlight}; 50 } else { 51 $AUBBC{$_} = $s_hash{$_}; 52 } 53 } 54 &settings_prep;

Your if block starting at line 44 is superfluous because a foreach list with 0 elements will execute 0 times so you are unnecessarily running keys %s_hash twice.    Line 51 reveals that major purpose of the loop is to copy the keys and values of %s_hash to %AUBBC so I would write that something like:

sub settings { ( my $self, %AUBBC ) = ( @_, %AUBBC ); if ( exists $AUBBC{ highlight_function } ) { $AUBBC{ highlight_function } = \&code_highlight unless check_s +ubroutine( $AUBBC{ highlight_function } ); $AUBBC{ highlight } = 0; } settings_prep();

Or if you need the new values in @_ to overwrite the old values in %AUBBC:

sub settings { my $self = shift; %AUBBC = ( %AUBBC, @_ ); if ( exists $AUBBC{ highlight_function } ) { $AUBBC{ highlight_function } = \&code_highlight unless check_s +ubroutine( $AUBBC{ highlight_function } ); $AUBBC{ highlight } = 0; } settings_prep();

169 $protect_email = '[' if $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 3 || $AUBBC{ +protect_email} eq 4; 171 if ($AUBBC{protect_email} eq 1 || $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 2 +) { 173 } elsif ($AUBBC{protect_email} eq 3) { 175 } elsif ($AUBBC{protect_email} eq 4) { 180 if ($AUBBC{protect_email} eq 1) { 182 } elsif ($AUBBC{protect_email} eq 2) { 185 } elsif ($AUBBC{protect_email} eq 3 || $AUBBC{protect_email} +eq 4) { 188 return <<JS if $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 2 || $AUBBC{protect_e +mail} eq 3 || $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 4; 224 /eg if ($Build_AUBBC{$_}[1] eq 1); 229 /eg if ($Build_AUBBC{$_}[1] eq 2); 234 /eg if ($Build_AUBBC{$_}[1] eq 3); 236 $msg =~ s/\[$_\]/$Build_AUBBC{$_}[2]/g if ($Build_AUBBC{$_}[ +1] eq 4); 256 if ($NewTag{type} ne 4) { 260 $NewTag{pattern} = 'l' if ($NewTag{type} eq 3 || $NewTag{type +} eq 4); 374 (!$option && $AUBBC{line_break} eq 2) 376 : $text =~ s/\n/<br$AUBBC{html_type}>\n/go if !$option && $ +AUBBC{line_break} eq 1;

You are using a string operator on a number which means that Perl has to convert the number to a string first before the comparison.    You should either use a numerical comparison operator on numbers (== instead of eq) or use strings when using string comparison operators ($var eq '3').

222 my $ret = do_sub( $_, $2 , $Build_AUBBC{$_}[2] ) || ''; 223 $ret ? $ret : $1; 227 my $ret = do_sub( $_, $2 , $Build_AUBBC{$_}[2] ) || ''; 228 $ret ? $ret : $1; 232 my $ret = do_sub( $_, '' , $Build_AUBBC{$_}[2] ) || ''; 233 $ret ? $ret : $1;

Or simply:

do_sub( ... ) || $1;

243 $fun = \&{$fun};

Why are you creating a new reference to an existing code reference?