in reply to Text CSV_XS memory crash

I have modified your code to process the incoming stream looking for min, max and unique values. Configure @min_, @max_ and @unique_ columns to control which fields are processed.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Text::CSV_XS; use Data::Dumper; my $file = "./test.csv"; my @min_columns = qw( ozone ozone_f qa_code ozone_8hr); my @max_columns = qw( ozone ozone_f qa_code rank ); my @unique_columns = qw( site_id ); my $data; my $counter; my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({ binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, }) or die "Cannot use CSV: " . Text::CSV_XS->error_diag(); open my $FH2, "<:encoding(utf8)", $file or die "$file: $!"; my $columns = $csv->getline($FH2); for (@$columns) {s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//}; $csv->column_names(@$columns); while (my $row = $csv->getline_hr($FH2)) { process_row($row); } print "done with loop after $counter rows\n"; $csv->eof or $csv->error_diag(); close $FH2; print Dumper $data; sub process_row { my $row = shift; $counter++; print "processing: $counter\n" if ($counter % 100 == 0); for my $column (@min_columns) { my $val = $row->{$column}; my $d = $data->{$column}{min}; my $update = {value => $val, row => $row}; $data->{$column}{min} = !exists $d->{value} ? $update : $d->{value} > $val ? $update : $d; } for my $column (@max_columns) { my $val = $row->{$column}; my $d = $data->{$column}{max}; my $update = {value => $val, row => $row}; $data->{$column}{max} = !exists $d->{value} ? $update : $d->{value} > $val ? $update : $d; } for my $column (@unique_columns) { my $val = $row->{$column}; $data->{$column}{unique}{$val}++; #could just be =1, but now we can get unique and count distinc +t } }

I switched to Text::CSV_XS from _PP, as the example data had an issue around line 296. (PP parse error 2025, loose escape char)

This is an excellent spot to use DataCube, but that module is gone now. I would like David to fix it and put it back on CPAN. backpan DataCube

If you're going to be doing ad-hoc analysis of csv files, using r language may prove useful.

Edit: added updates from Tux's comment